8 Months

On January 22 I turned eight months old!  I’m such a happy little guy, and I’m so suggestable that I crack a smile and start to giggle if those around me make laughing noises.  Over the past month I’ve really come around on the whole issue of tummy time, and I no longer scream like a banshee when I’m placed on the floor.  Although I can’t scoot or crawl yet, I am pretty good at pivoting on my stomach, so I can spin in a circle to reach the toys I want.  Baby steps on the path to mobility!

My first top tooth first appeared on January 5, with the second one following closely thereafter.  I’m making good use of my chompers … since I’ve been eating purees for four months now, I’m pretty much a pro!  I eat three meals of solid food per day (4 oz of yogurt and apples or banana for breakfast, 4 oz of carrots and green beans for lunch, and 4 oz of sweet potatoes and peas for dinner).  I have 28 oz of milk, too (four 5 oz bottles throughout the day, and an 8 oz bottle at nighttime).  On January 12, my parents tried to feed me pureed chicken.  No thank you!  I’m also not really interested in table food or feeding myself yet, apart from the occasional mum mum.

Current likes: People making laughing noises, picking things up and dropping them (repeatedly), and peekaboo games.

Current dislikes: Chicken, and teething!

Carousel Time

The weekend of January 18, 2014, I went up to Syracuse to visit Grammy and Opa, and experienced my first carousel ride!  I liked it so much, I actually went for a second one.  Even Opa got in on the action …

Mum Mums – Yum Yum!

Look at me, feeding myself!  Ever since early- to mid-January, Mommy’s discovered that (much like a puppy) I’ll do tricks for praise.  And if you squeal “yay” and clap when I put a mum mum cracker in my mouth, then I’ll take a bite of it.  So far the mum mum is the only thing I’ll feed myself (I’ll eat a puff if you put it in my mouth, but I can’t get it in there on my own!)

Mum mum

7 Months

Time is really flying!  On December 22 (three days before Christmas) I turned seven months old.  I’m currently 21.5 pounds, and I’ve spent the past month perfecting my sitting skills, so I’m much sturdier now than when I first started sitting last month.  I can reach for things while sitting and right myself immediately, so I no longer topple over.  My sleeping’s also been much improved!

I fully enjoyed Christmas in Washington D.C. … I got my very own stocking, and the wrapping paper was a big win!  The only unfortunate part of the holiday was that Mommy started taking Fenugreek seed about 72 hours before we headed down to the city.  By Christmas Eve the Fenugreek had made it into her milk supply, and I consumed it.  Big.  Mistake.  As it turns out, Fenugreek makes me extremely gassy, and I spent that entire night screaming in pain!  Lesson learned there, and we won’t be trying that again.

My escapades continued the weekend after Christmas, when I started vomiting.  Fearing flu, my Mom and Dad took me to an emergency clinic to have me checked out.  The good news?  No flu (just a tummy bug that passed very quickly).  The bad news?  I had a rather nasty case of oral thrush.  I’ve probably had it for a while, and it will require treatment, but it doesn’t seem to be bothering me too much.  So although it’s been sort of a rough month in terms of health, all in all I’m a pretty happy little guy.

Current likes: blowing raspberries, sleeping with Miss Els, and absolutely anything sung to the tune of “the itsy bitsy spider” or “twinkle twinkle little star,” which pretty much guarantees a huge grin.

Current dislikes: Fenugreek seed and thrush.

Milestone Watch: Sleeping in My Crib!

For the first three months of my life I adamantly refused to sleep flat on my back, so I spent my nights snuggled in the Rock ‘n’ Play in Mommy and Daddy’s bedroom.  At four months, I transitioned to a Pack ‘n’ Play (still in their room).  At the five month mark, they evicted me to my own room, but kept me in my Pack ‘n’ Play.  And I’m happy to report that as of December 8, 2013 (shortly after my six month birthday) I began sleeping in the beautiful crib made for me with love and care by my Great Uncle Steve!

I put myself to sleep like a big boy each night by holding and stroking Miss Els (my stuffed elephant mini-blankie and BFF for life).  I think Mommy’s handling it pretty well, but she’s also running a very sophisticated video surveillance program out of her bedroom!

Thanksgivukkah 2013

Happy Holidays!  This past week included my first Thanksgiving and Hanukkah combined.  I spent the holidays up in Syracuse, surrounded by family (including both sets of grandparents).  Since Thanksgivukkah won’t happen again for more than 70,000 years, I decided to mark the momentous occasion with several other firsts.  I sat unassisted for the first time on November the 23rd (the day after my six month birthday), and had my first yogurt on November 29.

6 Months

Happy six months to me!  I turned half a year old on November 22, and my Mommy and Daddy decided to mark the occasion with my very first professional photo shoot – done by Mary Nichols Photography.  I think she really captured my chubby cheeks, and my face-splitting smile!  And since she is a consummate professional, she didn’t even blink an eye when I peed all over her rug.

I’m doing much better with sleeping through the night, since my parents moved me to a pack ‘n’ play in my own room a few weeks ago.  Although one or two night wakings are still routine for me, it’s a much more livable situation for everyone now that I’m not up every hour or two during the night looking for comfort feedings!

In other news, I weighed 20 pounds exactly at my six month doctor’s appointment; I was 27.25 inches long, and my head was 18.5 inches in circumference.

Current likes: Sitting unassisted in my high chair, making gurgling noises in the back of my throat, and grabbing my feet (an endless source of entertainment!)

Current dislikes: Loosing my balance and tipping over while sitting (it startles me!)  Guess I need some more practice!

Tales from the Dinner Table

Hello, world!  I’d like to introduce you to two new additions … my bottom teeth! They poked through my gums on Friday, November 8, 2013 and I’ve been putting them to good use ever since, eating lots of solid foods.  To-date I have tried apple, squash, sweet potato, avocado, carrot, banana, and pear.  And although I still haven’t mastered sitting unassisted, last Sunday I did manage to sit in a high chair all by myself.  Impressed?  I thought so.photo-3

5 Months

Happy five months to me!  This past month has been a big one for me developmentally, including my first solid foods (October 13) and my first time rolling from my tummy to my back (I’ve done it twice – October 8 and October 24).  Thus far my rolling trick has only been witnessed by my grandma and grandpa, but I’m sure I’ll show this skill off a lot more in the near future.

I’m still a big healthy boy (18 lbs 13 oz and 26.5 inches), but I’ve been having trouble sleeping through the night … in fact, I’ve been waking as many as seven times in a ten hour period for the past month and a half.  So this next month Mommy and Daddy will be beginning the process of sleep training me, allowing me to learn the skill of soothing myself in the middle of the night.

Current likes: Touching people’s faces, squealing, apple sauce, and sweet potatoes

Current dislikes: butternut squash, avocado, and self-soothing