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Lena: Nine Months

3/4 of a year old already!  Mommy had to schedule my nine month appointment a little late (it will be closer to my ten month birthday) so I haven’t had my official measurements taken, but I got another ear infection – my second! – and weighed in at almost exactly 20 lbs during my sick visit.  I’m so pleasant that my ear infection almost went undiagnosed, but luckily Daddy noticed me pulling a little bit on one ear.

A lot has happened since last month.  Since I took my first lurches forward on June 5, 2016 I’ve improved my crawling considerably.  I’m still not speedy, but I’m getting there.  On June 11, 2016 I pulled myself upright and onto my knees for the first time.  All of this new-found freedom of motion has given me a desire to explore, and I’m extremely wiggly now during diaper changes.  I don’t like being restrained!

I do like eating, and I’m up to 4 oz of purees for breakfast, 4 for lunch, and 6 for dinner (for a total of 14 oz).  My favorite past-time while eating is chatting, and I love nothing more than talking to the printer’s tray hung on the wall behind my seat (“eh, eh!”).  Sometimes I’ll crack myself up and giggle a little while kicking my feet.  Meal time is hilarious.

I’ve dropped down to two naps during the day, and I tend to be on the 2, 3, 4 schedule (two hours of awake time followed by a nap, then three hours of awake time, etc.).  I still fall asleep for the night between 7:30-8:00 p.m., but I’ve started waking up once or even twice per night.  This could be the result of teething, especially because I still don’t have my top teeth!

Current likes: exploring

Current dislikes: having my clothes buttoned or snapped.

Jack: 3 Years 1 Month

Hi Everybody!  Jack here, checking in.  As you can see, I’m wearing all of my Paw Patrol medals.  Yup, still fully obsessed with the pups, although which one is my favorite changes almost daily (used to be Chase, then Zuma, then Everest …).

My third year is off to a good start, although I’ve been having a bit of a difficult time with sleep recently.  I don’t want to go to sleep at night, and I have a whole host of delay tactics (“I need a drink, I’m hungry, read me a story…”) but Mommy’s favorite is when I whisper urgently “hold on, I need to tell you a question!”  When she asks me what my question is, I inevitably reply with “a shark and a whale.”  I guess I’m still a little unclear on the definition of a question.

Eventually I will fall asleep, and Mommy singing songs like “Goodnight My Someone” usually work to make me drowsy.  However, I’ve also begun waking once or twice at night.  This may have to do with the fact that as I’ve become completely potty trained during the day, I’ve also started waking myself up at night to pee (even though I’m wearing a pull-up to sleep).  Once I wake up to use the bathroom, I don’t willingly return to my own bed.  I like sleeping in Mommy and Daddy’s room, but I usually wind up sleeping diagonally, with my knees or feet dug into one of my parents’ kidneys.

Current likes: Paw Patrol

Current dislikes: Night time

Ready for action, Daddy, sir!

Ready for action, Daddy, sir!

Lena: Learning to Crawl

On June 5, 2016 (at just over 8 months old) I took my first lurches forward and officially became a crawler.  The toy I found so compelling?  A green pipSquigz rattle.  My brother didn’t crawl until he was 10 months old, so I don’t think Mommy and Daddy were prepared for me to learn this quickly.  They’d better baby proof the house!

Lena: 8 Months

I’m eight months old and allllllllmost mobile!  I’ve figured out how to get up on all fours and rock back and forth.  It’s only a matter of time before I’m crawling all over the house.  As it is, I’m very rolly, very smiley, and very squealy.

I now eat 3 ounces of solid food for breakfast and lunch, and upwards of 6 ounces for dinner, for a total of about 12 ounces of purees per day.  I also tried self-feeding a mum-mum for the first time on May 22, 2016.  I’m working on perfecting my pincer grasp … mostly on Mommy’s necklace and earrings.  I can pick up a puff, but can’t quite get it in my mouth yet.

Current likes: snacks

Current dislikes: getting my nails trimmed

Jack: 3 Years!

At my three year check-up I stood 3 feet and 2.25 inches tall and weighed 30 pounds, putting me in the 70th percentile for height and 50th for weight.  My third birthday party was at Bounce! Trampoline Sports, and had a Paw Patrol theme (what else?)  I looked forward to my party for a month, and invited pretty much everyone I met.

As a three year-old I can best be described as inquisitive, sensitive, funny, quirky, and stubborn, by turns.  In social situations I am tentative and then enthusiastic, after a “warm-up” period.  I am very attuned to sensory inputs — for example, I am very noise sensitive, unless I am the source of the noise.  I am also very into textures.  I like all things that are soft and smooth (like my raspberry yogurt) and I accept no substitutions … fruit on the bottom need not apply!  I can also be found stroking the silky edge of my blankie or rubbing it on my upper lip – I’m weird like Mommy that way.

I continue to be a kind and devoted big brother.  I love to make Lena shriek and squeal with laughter, and my feelings are immediately hurt if I think she isn’t happy enough to see me in the mornings.  In the car on the way to school, I can frequently be found holding her hand or entertaining her so she won’t get fussy.  In exchange for this I demand only my equal share of her Yogurt Melts, which I have rediscovered as my favorite snack food.  I can occasionally get jealous of her, especially when she’s being picked up instead of me, but in general I’m incredibly patient with her and even willing to share my favorite toys with her

Current likes: air hockey and Paw Patrol

Current dislikes: sharing Mommy

Lena: 7 Months

There’s no official seven month check-up, so Mommy and Daddy don’t know how big I am exactly, but I’m getting bigger every day.  I’m an eating machine, and now I have teeth!  I got my first one (lower front right) on April 10, 2016 and my second one (lower front left) three days later.  No more gummy smiles!

As my tummy has been getting bigger and I’m capable of going longer in between meals, I’ve moved from three 4 ounce bottles per day at daycare to two 6 ounce bottles (for a total of about 20 oz per day).  I also have between 6-9 ounces of solid food per day.  I’ve tried turkey for the first time, and I’m a big fan.

In mobility news, I’ve been working on sitting up, reaching, scooching myself backwards, and pivoting.  I can’t crawl, but I can maneuver myself around to get what I need.  I’m a super sweet and smiley baby, and I like to babble (lots of B, G, and D noises).  All this activity makes me tired!  I take three naps during the day (but the mid-day nap is the longest), and I sleep about eleven hours at night (from 7:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.).

Current likes: My wipes package and empty Gatorade bottles (my favorite toys)

Current dislikes: Having my face wiped

Jack: 2 Years 11 Months

The countdown is on to my third birthday, and I’m very excited about it.  I’ve been making some visits to the preschool classroom at daycare, although I haven’t officially moved up there yet.  I still seldom nap at daycare, so I’m usually pretty worn down by the time I arrive home each night – we’re still in that transition phase where I could probably benefit from a nap but I can’t fall asleep until so late in the day that it’s actually pretty disruptive to my nighttime sleep if I take one.

I’m also suffering from a case of toddler moodiness and tantrums.  Disappointment and frustration are my major triggers, in large part because I don’t quite get how to interpret and communicate these emotions very well.  Mommy and Daddy are trying to double down on positive reinforcement, which seems to help considerably.  I have big emotions for a little guy!

I still have plenty of happy and charming moments, however, especially at bath time.  Aunt Dede and Uncle Charlie gave me Magic Grow Capsules for Easter last month, and they’ve become my new obsession.  I’ll yell “Let’s go grow some pills, Daddy!” and grab a few out of the bathroom drawer before each bath.  I get very excited to see what emerges from the capsules, and I have a sizeable collection.

I’ve also discovered a new sport: t-ball.  I get a lot of enjoyment out of hitting the ball, although (like my Mommy) I get pretty frustrated when I’m not good at something right away, and t-ball seems pretty hard!

Current likes: My BIG big boy bed (Daddy got me a double bed), and watching “a little Sesame Street”

Current dislikes: When I don’t hit the baseball off the tee

Lena’s Photo Shoot

As you may recall, Mommy and Daddy had professional photos of my brother Jack taken by Mary Nichols Photography when he was six months old.  Now it’s my turn!  Here I am as a happy little nugget.  You may recognize the basket I’m sitting in, as it was also used in Jack’s shoot.