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Happy Passover 2017!

Wishing all our friends of family lots of matzoh with cream cheese.


Lena: 18 Months

Can you say personality?  I’m bursting with it!  At 1.5 years old I’ve come into my own, including a very unique sense of style (see below).  One of my favorite things to do when Daddy’s getting me dressed in the mornings is to pick out my own hair bow.  Sometimes I can’t limit myself to just one!

I’m up to a vocabulary of about 35 words now (new ones include banana, apple, night-night, noodle, bird, please (“pweeeee?”), snow, and outside).  I’ve also learned to say thank you, and I’m fairly rigorous about using it when I get what I ask for.  I know how to say excuse you, although it sounds almost exactly the same as my thank you –  (“deeh-doooo”).

I have an abiding love for animals … not only my own kitty, but also all things puppies. Some of my closest friends are the inanimate canine figures at the mall, including a mannequin at Old Navy and an ASPCA donation receptacle.  I love to talk to them, hug them, and beep their noses.

Some of my older friends have recently transitioned out of the infant room at school, which has been a bit difficult for me, because I’ve had to share my favorite teachers with some new, younger babies who need a lot more attention.  On the bright side, though, I’ve been allowed to make some trips up to the toddler room at the end of the day, and it’s fun to visit the big kids!

Current likes: being tickled, the dog mannequin at Old Navy

Current dislikes: Competing for my caregivers’ attention

Jack: 3 Years 10 Months

This past month we celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday at school, and read a lot of his classic books like Hop on Pop, Wocket in My Pocket, and Cat in the Hat.  I loved them!  Here I am pictured at home reading a copy of What Kind of Pet Should We Get?  Next to me is my reading buddy, Curious George (or as I call him, “Serious George”).

Reading and spelling are still my favorite pastimes, and many a night I can be heard begging Mommy and Daddy to go to the bookstore.  I’ve continued to hone my spelling abilities, memorizing dozens of short words and quite a few longer words, too, such as, “green,” “organic,” “prestige,” and “cherry.”  I’m getting pretty good at sounding things out phonetically, although I’d rather ask to have a grownup read me new words.  According to my preschool teachers, I actually read the text off of a fellow student’s shirt unprompted.

Mommy and Daddy also started using the 1-2-3 Magic discipline system this month, and I must say I’ve responded very well to the warnings and consequences.  Although sometimes I still have difficulties expressing disappointment and frustration constructively, I’ve made some real strides!

Current likes: puzzles (I’m getting very proficient at my 24-36 piece varieties)

Current dislikes: when my requests are not acknowledged or acted upon immediately

Reading with "Serious George"

Reading with “Serious George”

Happy Purim 2017!

Hey everybody – Happy Purim!  Mommy was at a conference in D.C. the weekend of March 11-12, 2017 so alas, no hamantaschen were baked or consumed in our house this year.  She did bring us back a grogger (a traditional holiday noise-maker) which we enjoy quite a bit.  It’s so loud that it’s been relegated to bath-toy, and it may “accidentally” disappear altogether pretty soon.  We’ve also been reading Sammy Spider’s First Purim, which Jack especially has been enjoying.

Lena: 17 Months

Happy belated Valentine’s Day, friends!  I enjoyed my first daycare V-Day party with my buddies at school (“Ell-lah,” “An-a,” and “Nee-nah”) this month, even though teething is making it difficult for me to enjoy many of my favorite foods.  My other lower canine and three final molars made their appearance recently, which hopefully means we can put teething behind us for a while (whew!).

I’m continuously adding to my vocabulary, which is about 25 words now, although I’m not known for my skill at enunciating.  Several of my words sound nearly indistinguishable … Mommy defies anyone to tell the difference between me saying hi to Daddy vs. a doggie.  Some of my newest words include night-night, book (“boo”), and “bubble” for Rubble (and by extension all members of the Paw Patrol).  I also say yellow “leh-low,” and point enthusiastically to various colors.  As far as anyone can tell I can’t actually distinguish between hues; I think everything is yellow.  I even pointed to an orange (the fruit) once and called it a “yellow.”

I’ve also learned to say Jack’s name … or at least attempt it.  Now when my brother walks into a room he’s greeted my “JI-AH, JI-AH!”  We love each other and also completely annoy each other, just like proper siblings.  I’ve developed an affinity for Jack’s Paw Patrol toys, so he’s constantly attempting to protect his carefully constructed puzzles and play scenes from being torn apart at my hands.  There are moments, however, when we completely delight each other.  Sometimes he’ll push me up and down the halls in the Cozy Coupe or we’ll sing and dance and then devolve into fits of laughter together in the car.  One trick that particularly delights my brother is teaching me animal noises.  I can currently tell you what a cow, sheep, dinosaur, horse, and snake say, and I’m learning more every day.  I’ve also learned that if you say “one” I should say “twoooooo” to help you count.

Current likes: the number “8” from my foam mat, sliding down the stairs

Current dislikes: being prevented from playing on the stairs

Jack: 3 Years 9 Months

As I begin to round the corner towards four years old, my abilities with numbers, time, and language have really taken off.  I’ve been able to count back from 10 to 1 for some time now, but I’m also getting really good at the game “which is bigger,” and can almost always tell you which of two numbers is larger.  I also know my days of the week, although I still refer to almost everything that happened in the past as “yesterday.”  Perhaps my most remarkable development since last month is my absolute fascination with letters.  I ask the adults in my life to spell things incessantly; I can’t get enough of knowing about words!  On a typical car ride to preschool I’ll ask Mommy to spell car, car seat, road, tree, stoplight, sign, license plate, truck … it goes on like this for the entire twenty minute commute.  I’ve even begun to memorize some small words that have been spelled for me repeatedly.

I also like typing into a blank Word document on Mommy’s laptop, and I consider it a special treat when she let’s me “type letters” on her computer.  We did have a minor argument over the spelling of the word “computer,” which I insist is actually “gum-puter,” but for the most part I have a pretty good ear for the sounds various letters should make.  For example, I love listening to a Mickey Mouse & Friends audio CD in the car on the way to preschool, and I recently pointed out the fact that “Huey,” Dewey,” and “Louie” all sound like they should have a “W” in them, but only one of them does.  Even Mommy had to agree that I had a good point, and spelling is weird!  I also like to talk about how sneaky some letters can be, like the “g” in “light” and “night.”

I’m still a big Beatles fan, although my favorite songs have shifted, and are now Norwegian Wood (which I insist is “Regional Wood”) and What Goes On.  Lena is not a fan of What Goes On, and she protests mildly each time it comes on.   This has only served to enhance the song’s appeal.

Current likes: The Beatles and spelling

Current dislikes: silent letters

Lena: The Greatest Day of My Life So Far

It’s no secret that I love my cat (if only the feeling were mutual)!  What I didn’t know before today is that there are things called “pet stores” where you can go to see and shop for other pets.  They have so many animals there – all of which I am convinced are cats of some form or another.  Here I am with some ferret “kee-kees” that the nice ladies who work there actually let me pet.  Like I said before: Greatest.  Day.  Ever.



Lena: 16 Months

Baby hair gone wild!  My hair has finally hit the length at which it requires some serious maintenance, and my parents have begun dabbling with pigtails and other solutions (with limited success, it should be noted).  Most days I wake up with some serious bed-head, and I don’t help matters by constantly plucking my bow out of my hair and carrying it over to a nearby adult, announcing, “bow!” as if I’ve just discovered it for the first time.  In my defense, I am pretty compliant about allowing the bow to be placed back in my hair … for about two minutes.

I’m up to twenty words now, with my latest additions being bow (for my hair, of course!), “Elmo,” which I use to refer to any Sesame Street character, and “yah,” for yes.  I have figured out how to nod in the affirmative, as well, and I do this by very enthusiastically bouncing my entire body up and down.  The up and down bob is pretty much my signature dance move, too.  And what I lack in coordination I more than make up for in passion.  My favorite songs to dance to are “The Hotdog Dance” and “El Quacko,” but I’ll bop to anything with a beat, from 70s folk rock to 90s rap.

I’ve finally given up even my nighttime bottle, and bedtime is now reserved for special reading time.  I’m not interested in all books, but I am loyal to those I’m familiar with.  I’m singularly devoted to “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” and could read that book four or more times in a row, if allowed.  I like the black sheep in that book quite a bit, and if you ask me what a sheep says, I’ll respond with a growly, dinosaur-roar-sounding “BAHHH!” much to my brother’s amusement.

It hasn’t all been peachy, though!  This month brought some serious teething, and I’m pleased to announce that my first molar (bottom right) and first canine (bottom left) have finally made an appearance.  My swollen gums suggest that more teeth will be following in short order.

Current likes: Giggling maniacally and helping put laundry in the washing machine

Current dislikes: Teething

Yes, I know the bow is inadequate ... you try to control this hair!

Yes, I know the bow is inadequate … you try to control this hair!

Jack: 3 Years, 8 Months

Hey, everybody!  I’m continuing on my quest to be the quirkiest kid around.  My obsession this month is Band-Aids (at last count I had thirteen of them on my legs, with no actual injury).  I especially love the type that comes branded with characters from Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse, Finding Dory, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Disney’s Frozen (even though I’ve never even seen the latter two movies).  Mostly I like collecting things, and Band-Aids are no exception.

I’ve also developed an interest in the music of the Beatles, which I’m under the impression are actually singing beatles, and not people.  I listen to tracks off of Rubber Soul almost every day on the way to school, and I can name all four members of the band along with their claim to fame (“Ringo is the drummer, George plays guitar, and John and Paul wrote most of the songs.”)  My favorite song is “In My Life,” which Mommy plays right before we have to get out of the car for the day.  Although I’m a home body at heart, having a solid routine at drop-off time has helped me transition between home and school with less angst, and when the song ends I’m ready to get out of the car and face the day.

In other positive news, I’ve miraculously begun sleeping over night in my own bed again with relative frequency.  For the past six months or so I had been waking up in the middle of the night and coming into Mommy and Daddy’s bed, which wasn’t ideal for any of us.  I’ll still occasionally wake up (maybe once or twice per week), but when I do now, I stay in my own bed and let Mommy or Daddy come to me to help me fall back asleep.

Current likes: the Beatles, vanilla ice cream, and the New York Giants

Current dislikes: when I have to get out of the car before a song ends

Lena: 15 Months

Time for a check-in … first for the vital stats: at 15 months old, I weigh 23.8 pounds, I’m 31 inches tall, and my head circumference is 19.5 inches (in other words, between the 50th-75th percentile for height and weight, and above the 95th percentile for head size).

Oh, and I’m officially a walker!  I took my first real unassisted steps at a little more than 14.5 months of age, on December 10, 2016.  While I love the  independence afforded me by my ability to toddle around, my favorite thing in the world is still being carried.  If I manage to make eye contact with one of my parents then I usually take the opportunity to ask “Ah-pee?  Ah-pee?  Ah-pee?”  My vocabulary continues to expand, too.  I have a total of about 17 words (new ones include baby, mouth (“mow”), Minnie (“Mimmie!”), and ow.

I’m mostly giggles and smiles, but I’m certainly not a pushover, and everyone in the family (including brother Jack!) has been learning to navigate my emerging toddler attitude.  I have been significantly better about letting Mommy and Daddy change my diaper, but I always communicate my feelings to those in charge, and still won’t hesitate to howl if I’m not pleased with a given situation.

In general I’ll eat anything that doesn’t eat me first, and my favorite foods include grilled cheese (any cheese, really), yogurt, peanut butter & jelly, bananas, and blueberries.  The stomach bug that hit the entire family over the holiday break got me worst of all, however, and I wound up vomiting 12 times in as many hours.  As a result, Mommy and Daddy have allowed me to keep my nighttime bottle just a LITTLE bit longer, and I’m still sucking down 4-6 oz of milk before bedtime each night.  I’m enjoying it while it lasts!

Current likes: My bottle

Current dislikes: stomach viruses!