A room of one’s own! Now that we’ve moved into a bigger house, I’m no longer sleeping in a crib. Instead, Mimi chalk painted Mommy’s old pineapple-post frame and brought it down to become my first big-girl bed! The first night I slept in it I did manage to get myself wedged in between the bed and the bed-rail, but we’ve tightened that up now and I think the problem is solved …
Mimi also made sure to paint my whole room so that it would look clean, bright, and welcoming from the first night I spent there. My room is little, but it’s just the right size for me. It fits my special rocking chair that Mommy and Daddy had in the old nursery, as well as my books and many stuffed animals.
I still love being read to and rocked before bed (some of my current favorite books are “Tacky the Penguin,” “Stick and Stone,” “Never Ask a Dinosaur to Dinner,” and “A Porcupine Named Fluffy”). I don’t love having to go to sleep at night, but I’m very excited about the new freedom afforded me by my big-girl bed. For example, I can climb down by myself in the morning and go snuggle my brother (which I have done on multiple occasions). I’ve also taken to inviting Jack to pull a mattress onto my floor at night for “sleepovers.”
Current likes: Being a big girl
Current dislikes: Being alone
- Here’s part of my library
- Cozy!
- I have a backyard view
- I’m a minimalist when it comes to stuffed animals …