Lena: 2 Years 10 Months

I loved picking blueberries with Mommy, Daddy, and Jack this past month!  I wasn’t quite as discerning as my brother about the color of the berries that went into my bucket, so I had an interesting blend of blue-ish greens by the time we finished.  I am definitely a hardcore fruit fan, and I ate an impressive amount before we even left the farm.

The same day, Mommy and Daddy took us to our first movie, although it will be a while before they bring me back.  I had a blast (and ate my weight in popcorn and milk duds), but I had a hard time not talking back to the screen during the movie.  For example, when Mrs. Incredible said she was “reporting for duty,” I yelled loudly in the hushed theatre, “Mommy, Elastigirl said doody!”

Current likes: snacks

Current dislikes: whispering

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