Living with Papa and Yia Yia while we wait to move into our new house next month has been very fun. For one thing, there’s always someone around to play with. I have played Candy Land, War, and a Ninja Turtle game with Papa so far, and my cousin Max even got in on the fun when he came for a visit one night. I don’t generally love losing, but I’m getting better at managing my disappointment. Sometimes I can even bring myself to lose graciously.
I’m learning lots of new games … I tried hopscotch at Mimi and Opa’s house, and I was actually pretty good at hopping back and forth from one leg to two. Lena wasn’t as coordinated, but what she lacked in grace she made up for with enthusiasm!
Mommy and Daddy also took us blueberry picking this month, and I got to see my very first movie in the theater (Incredibles II). It was super exciting … I got popcorn and milk duds, and now I can’t stop talking about how (*spoiler alert*) Evelyn Dever was really the Screen Slaver. We may not have had a fancy summer vacation, but it was pretty good in my book!
Current likes: winning
Current dislikes: not being able to have a movie night every night

Sportsmanship practice