Jack: 5 Years 1 Month

This month has involved a lot of change for me, what with packing up the house for our upcoming move.  For a kid who typically has trouble with transitions, I’ve been surprisingly okay with the idea of selling our house to new people, and I’ve even helped wrap up a lot of my toys and pack them in boxes.  While I’ve been a little sad to see some of my furniture leave the house, I’m having fun racing around the empty rooms and picnic-ing on the floor since we no longer have a table or chairs.

I still love imaginary play, and my most recent favorite is to pretend to be a doctor.  For some reason I always decide that my doctor name will be “Dr. Grizz,” and I like to incorporate as much bedside manner and medical language as I’ve picked up from my pediatrician when I do pretend office visits.  “Hi, I’m Dr. Grizz, what seems to be the problem?” is my standard opening.  After listening to my patient’s chest I’ll usually follow up with “hmmm … sounds like you’ve got a little something going on there …” Typical diagnoses include allergies, an ear infection, or some sort of boo-boo.  Nearly all diagnoses require the administration of a shot (sometimes I’ll let Lena do that part) and a sticker.

Current likes: Logistics (wrapping, packing, I’m ready to assist!)

Current dislikes: Having to share Dr. Grizz’s stickers with Lena

Those who don't have furniture have picnic dinners

Those who don’t have furniture have picnic dinners

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