Monthly Archives: June 2018

Lena: 2 Years 9 Months

Milestone alert!  On June 16, 2018, at two years and nine months of age, I got my first haircut.  My hair wasn’t terribly long, but it was long enough to get a short braid into it, and it was pretty unruly, so it mostly just needed some shaping.  here I am mid-way through my cut (being bribed with a Lion Guard video).  Daddy thinks I look like a flapper from the 1920s now.

I think my kicky new hairstyle suits my sassy little personality, which has been on full display this past month.  Sometimes Mommy will overhear me trying to weasel treats out of my grandma and tell me I’ve had enough, to which I will turn and say, “Mommy I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to Yia Yia.”  Then I’ll generally repeat my request for candy in a stage whisper.

I’ve also mastered a comeback line for those moments when I’ve been caught red-handed doing something I’ve previously been told not to do.  For example, when Mommy says, “Lena, I asked you not to take that toy off the shelf,” I’ll insist “I was only looking at it/touching it!” even though I am obviously half-way through the act of taking it off the shelf.

Current likes: lollipops from hairdressers

Current dislikes: any attempts to manage me

First haircut!

First haircut!

Jack: 5 Years 1 Month

This month has involved a lot of change for me, what with packing up the house for our upcoming move.  For a kid who typically has trouble with transitions, I’ve been surprisingly okay with the idea of selling our house to new people, and I’ve even helped wrap up a lot of my toys and pack them in boxes.  While I’ve been a little sad to see some of my furniture leave the house, I’m having fun racing around the empty rooms and picnic-ing on the floor since we no longer have a table or chairs.

I still love imaginary play, and my most recent favorite is to pretend to be a doctor.  For some reason I always decide that my doctor name will be “Dr. Grizz,” and I like to incorporate as much bedside manner and medical language as I’ve picked up from my pediatrician when I do pretend office visits.  “Hi, I’m Dr. Grizz, what seems to be the problem?” is my standard opening.  After listening to my patient’s chest I’ll usually follow up with “hmmm … sounds like you’ve got a little something going on there …” Typical diagnoses include allergies, an ear infection, or some sort of boo-boo.  Nearly all diagnoses require the administration of a shot (sometimes I’ll let Lena do that part) and a sticker.

Current likes: Logistics (wrapping, packing, I’m ready to assist!)

Current dislikes: Having to share Dr. Grizz’s stickers with Lena

Those who don't have furniture have picnic dinners

Those who don’t have furniture have picnic dinners

Jack: Pre-K Graduation from Honey Bee Childcare

I graduated from Pre-K this week, which entailed a special ceremony at “The Landing,” our neighboring retirement community, complete with academic regalia, balloons, a certificate of achievement, and an individualized award just for me (I got the Penguin Award for being fun to be around, and a great classmate).  The entire class learned a dance to the tune of Uptown Funk, which we performed for our adoring fans:

“Pre-K graduation, Pre-K graduates! Pre-K graduation, Pre-K graduates!  Let’s dance!  Jump on  it!  We’re going to Kindergarten!”

Of course I was a little embarrassed about everyone watching me cross the stage, but all things considered I was very proud of myself, and thrilled with my gift of a book of photo memories of all my Pre-K friends.