World, allow me to introduce you to the expression my parents have lovingly come to call “Lena Face.” It’s a mixture of enthusiastic joy and world-dominating will. Why yes, I’m screaming at a plastic penguin head in this photo. That activity calls for “Lena Face,” as do most others, I find. This face is actually the first thing my Mommy and Daddy see when they wake up most mornings – it’s a great way to greet the day.
I am a very expressive kid to begin with, and I’ve been wearing my emotions on my sleeve even more this month, vacillating between happy and sad and seeming to cry at the drop of a hat. Welcome to the emotional roller coaster of parenting a girl, Mommy and Daddy! The other day I actually cried because Mommy wouldn’t let me squeeze out the entire contents of a bottle of hand sanitizer (or as I call it, “han-ih-ti-zer”).
My bossy pants are also in full effect. I like to utter a lot of commands, but the logic behind them is usually pretty circular (“you need to do it because you need to do it”). My favorite subjects to boss around are Mommy, Daddy, and (you guessed it), Jack. They are only sometimes receptive to my orders. I guess I’ll just have to make them louder.
Current likes: chocolate (or as I call it, “chuh-lok-o-lick”)
Current dislikes: Having my orders defied

She’s a maaaaniac, maaaaniac on the floor