Monthly Archives: March 2018

Lena: 2 Years 6 Months

Welcome to my toy tunnel, which I like to load up with as many toys as possible!  This is my current M.O. – to surround myself with a stockpile of toys as if they’re a precious and limited resource.  My crib looks like the crib of a hoarder, because I have about a dozen stuffed animals and five books in there that I can’t/won’t sleep without.

I also insist on a very specific and elaborate bedtime routine, which includes book reading, tooth brushing, rocking and being sung to, then being “flown” into my crib while more songs are sung, having my blanket folded into a “pillow,” being covered by my other blanket and tucked in, and then having Mommy sit in my chair and “shush shush shush me” while I fall asleep.  I’m what you might call high needs!

Mommy and Daddy have been wondering recently whether the fact that I walk around yelling everything I want to communicate is simply a product of my big personality, or a sign of a potential hearing issue.  I still have a lot of ear infections, so there may be a potential pediatric ENT visit in my future.  Nevertheless, it’s pretty cute to hear me across the house yelling “no thank you, loonie loonie!” which is one of my standard phrases.

Current likes: playing babies with Jack

Current dislikes: having to share said babies

Have cars, will travel!

Have cars, will travel!

Jack: 4 Years 10 Months

I got a haircut this month – don’t I look mensch-y?

In other news, I’ve been working on mastering some of my fine muscle control, and have some significant progress to report.  I finally learned how to wiggle my eyebrows like Mommy, and I also learned how to snap my fingers!  Now if I could only figure out how to whistle, I’d be off to the races …

I’m making some cool cognitive strides, too, including learning to recite the colors of the rainbow in order (R-O-Y-G-B-I-V) and the three primary colors.  Thanks to Sesame Street and some bathtub dye from my Mimi, I’ve also learned about color mixing.  I can reliably tell you that yellow and blue make green, red and yellow make orange, and blue and red make purple.  Our family even saw a real-life rainbow after a spring rainstorm this month, which I thought was pretty cool!

Current likes: drawing rainbows

Current dislikes: forcing my rainbows to conform to society’s expectations