This past month I have been making real strides in forming letters, specifically the letters in my name. Because I am a lefty and I draw my “Os”clockwise, my “C” shapes frequently come out backwards, but when I do some that are up to my standards I’m very proud.
People who do “scribble scrabble” v. those who can color in the lines is a big topic of conversation at school, so I’m very concerned about differentiating between my skill level at drawing and my sister’s. I’m also proud of the fact that I know how to play games like tic-tac-toe, and she doesn’t yet.
Art in general is a pastime I enjoy. I made and mailed Valentines to everyone in my family this month (including Skippy Jon). Watercolor painting is one of the activities I’ll pretty much always say “yes,” to, and this month my painting activities broadened to include the creation of my first ever pet rock. Lena and I each made a friend out of rocks we found in the yard. Our general aesthetic can be described as “more feathers and google-y eyes can only be a good thing.”
Lena and I have been pals this month, although she continues to annoy me from time to time. I must have heard someone become exasperated with her and say “Jesus Christ, Lena!” I attempted to replicate that phrase on my own, but it came out as “Fearless Grace, Lena!” So now that’s my go-to way of letting her know she’s frustrating.
Current likes: Hanging my finished art on the fridge
Current dislikes: Putting all the caps back on my markers
Hm, needs more google-y eyes
Family portrait, signed by the artist
A friendly guy with hands
I am the egg man?
Mommy under a rainbow with a flying machine