More big-girl news! I figured out how to climb up and hoist myself into my crib on January 8th of this month, a skill I am more than happy to demonstrate for an appreciative audience.
I also started formally potty training the weekend of January 13-14, 2018, and got off to a fantastic start. In fact, I made it to my Elmo potty in time 100% of the time that first weekend. I had a few accidents at daycare my first few days back, but got the hang of things there and now I’m off to the races! I’m very proud of my big girl underwear (in fact, if you want me to wear a pull-up, I frequently demand to put a pair of underwear over it).
I’m also feelin’ my cool toddler attitude this month, and I’ve developed a silly little Elvis sneer that I make sometimes when I’m being sassy.
Current likes: flushing the potty (for everyone)
Current dislikes: bedtime
