Lena: 2 Years 2 Months

Hello world; at two years and two months of age, my toddler personality has fully arrived!  I’m cute and quick to smile, and can charm the pants off of most anyone.  Although I’ve never been bashful, I’ve become even more gregarious lately, and full of demands for the world.  Most of my sentences are spoken as imperatives, and no one ever has to wonder what my opinion is on a given matter.

I’m in a real Mom phase.  I always, ALWAYS want to be with Mommy (preferably on her), and I can frequently be heard demanding to sit on her lap (“I sit du lap!”).  I’m not always prepared to follow her directions, though, and when she asks me to clean up my toys, get dressed, or do something else I’m not eager to do, I have no problem telling her, “don’t follow me, Mama, I busy,” or “not now, Mama, I too tired.”

I also want exactly what my brother Jack has, and nothing less.  If he likes the Beatles, I like the Beatles.  If he likes Elena of Avalor, then I want to watch “Elena Ab-a-lore.”  If he gets coins to save in his piggy bank, then I need to have coins for my piggy bank, too.  I’ve become a little shadow to him, which amuses and annoys him in equal parts.  He really likes it when I make up words like “goolie-golly” (which may be my interpretation of good-golly).  I’ll repeat anything for a laugh, so I frequently march around the house spouting nonsense and gibberish at full volume.

In addition to my knowledge of the ABCs, shapes, and colors, I can also count to twenty, although I frequently get tripped up around the number 14, and wind up repeating it four or five times.  I’m not one to get hung up on the details.

Jack and I recently saw part of the Disney movie Moana playing on a TV at a local restaurant, and although there was no volume, I have now become obsessed with the plot of the movie.  I’m pretty sure the whole thing is about a father character who is very angry about the water (may have missed the part about the female protagonist).  I put on very good dramatic reenactments of my version of the story, for those who are interested.  Performances held nightly.

Current likes: Mommy

Current dislikes: Being left alone or behind.  If someone walks away from me too quickly I shout “No leavin'” in a desperate tone.

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