The month started out on a bit of a low note, with a series of doctors appointments. The first was to get my two year blood draw and flu shot (no thank you, please!), and the second was to address an elevated heart and breathing rate brought on by a high fever. Ugh – can cold and flu season be over already? On the bright side, doctors visits usually come with stickers, and my cooperation can be bought for a few Sponge Bob or Mickey stickers.
Other than being a little sick, I’m my regular spunky self. I’m acting every bit the part of a two year old, and asserting my independence regularly. Mommy and Daddy hear the phrase “no, MY do it!” repeated with great frequency, especially when getting dressed and buckling my seat belt.
I’m also getting really good at communicating what I want, which is usually whatever my brother is holding. I sometimes mix up the meanings of the words “also” and “either,” so it’s not uncommon to hear me complain “aw, that’s not fair, Mama, I wanna have that ei-der (meaning “too”). That makes me angry!” I have even learned from watching my brother that this statement is best punctuated with crossed arms.
While I’m definitely developing a little toddler attitude, and don’t like to be pushed around, I’m still an overwhelmingly happy and easy going kid who would rather be in a good mood than not. I’m also getting slightly better at lying in my crib at night to go to sleep, although now I usually demand that both Jack and Daddy make an appearance to say good night to me, while Mommy sits in the chair. At least I don’t require constant back rubs anymore!
Current likes: Snuggles
Current dislikes: “stinky bugs” (stink bugs) – they’re everywhere this month!
- Sick but still sweet
- Talk to me about when I get my stickers