Milestone alert: I got my first big boy haircut at a barber shop this month. It came with a lollipop and the promise of screen time, so I was super compliant during the whole thing. My short ‘do looks very cute when it’s swept to the side and gelled into place the way it should be. I feel passionately about pulling it straight down over my forehead, however, and do this at every opportunity.
I’m learning lots of new things at school, and came home able to recite the pledge of allegiance in full the other day. I’m also learning how to draw letters, which I find to be very frustrating. As a lefty, I’m having a little difficulty gripping my pen/pencil in a way that gives me adequate control. Because I have little patience for things I’m not immediately good at, my first instinct is to get angry and give up, but I’m making a little bit of progress. I’m also increasingly concerned about “coloring in the lines,” which is not something that’s previously registered with me as desirable.
Although I am easily irritated, I’m also very sweet, and especially snuggle-y at nighttime. I recently had the following exchange with my Dad just before falling asleep:
Me: “Daddy, I’m going to love you for 600 days.”
Daddy: “How about 600 years?”
Me: “How about forever? You’re the best daddy I ever had in my whole life.”
I have also discovered that it’s fun to play with my sister (on my terms) now that she’s more of a toddler. I really like building forts in my room to peek out of, and I’ll frequently invite Lena in to hide with me. I also like to wake her up in the morning by crawling into her crib and reading her books.
Current likes: Wonder Woman and Elena of Avalor – action princesses!
Current dislikes: frustration tolerance
- Rawr.
- Are you peekin’ at me?
- New ‘do!