Happy Fall, everyone. This has been a great month so far, including a cool trip to Syracuse during which I visited the Great NY State Fair. That trip also contained my very first video game experience (pictured below), Plants v. Zombies with Opa. I see some serious gaming in my future – just look at how intently I’m focused on that screen!
Screen time continues to be my single greatest desire as a small human. I absolutely love Disney Junior TV shows like Lion Guard, and the fact that my parents restrict my ability to watch is a constant source of frustration for me. I’ll sidle up to my Mommy and very sweetly ask “can I watch something?” When she says no, I’ll then stomp my foot and say “that’s not fair, Mommy!” I think a lot of things are unfair when they don’t suit my purposes. Sometimes the things I’m protesting are, in fact, the very definition of fair, but that remains my standard complaint.
The Jewish Holidays have arrived, and I enjoyed lighting the candles for Rosh Hashanah this past Wednesday, September 20. Mommy taught me to say “Shana tova, Happy New Year!” and I’m really loving that phrase. Lena, too, although hers sounds more like “Ah-tobah, appa yah-yah!”. Now every time we say goodbye to someone, we add this phrase on to the end.
I’ve been to a number of summer birthday parties this past month (most recently for my friends Paige and Liliana) and they have all featured a bouncy house. I’ve really grown to love this particular house, so Imagine my surprise and delight in learning that we would be renting it for Lena’s upcoming birthday party. I can’t wait!
Current likes: equity as I define it (getting what I want when I want it)
Current dislikes: Mommy and Daddy’s version of fair
- Plants v. Zombies with Opa
- Come peek-a-boo me, Mom