Lena: 23 Months

At twenty three months my language has really been exploding, with lots of complex sentences (mostly demands).  I can say lots of five word phrases, like “I want more milk, Mommy” or “put on your shoes, Daddy.”  I still have a difficult time saying my “s” sounds, which is only really a problem for me when the family goes out for ice cream.  My favorite part of the ice cream place is the sprinkles, and I usually opt for a bowl full of them, rather than any actual ice cream.

I’ve always been an inquisitive girl, but on August 5, 2017 I officially entered the “why?” phase.  I ask this almost consistently.  The answer I’m given never satisfies me, and I usually follow up with eight or nine more “whys” in a row.

Life in the toddler room at daycare continues to be good, although I did have one isolated dispute with a friend over a blue block we both wanted.  I bit her, and then immediately confessed to that behavior.  I keep on confessing, over and over.  Every day when my parents pick me up and ask how my day was, I volunteer, “I bite Evie!  I wanted the blue block!”  It’s been a few weeks now, but I’m obviously still remorseful.

Speaking of daycare, the thing I love most about the playground at school is the rocks!  I load my pockets up with them every day, and come home weighed down each night.  I enjoy taking my shoes off on the way to school each morning, which irritates my parents to no end.  I’ve discovered that I can excuse this behavior by claiming there was a rock in my shoe.  (Psssst, there never is).

Current likes: yogurt in tube form

Current dislikes: When Mommy takes my rocks out of my pockets to do the laundry

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