I moved up to the toddler room at daycare this past month (July 10, 2017 was my first day). Although I love hauling my own backpack around and was developmentally very ready to go, I did cry at drop-off for the first time ever. I’ve adjusted now, and am more enthusiastic about starting my days in that room, especially when we get there early enough that Jack can hang out with me and play a bit before going upstairs with the Pre-K class. While I was dependably napping for at least an hour each day in the infant room, it’s probably less than 50% of the time that I do so now. I’m a hot mess by around 6:00 p.m. each night, but I do love being one of the big kids!
One side benefit of hanging out with developmentally advanced peers is that my sentence construction is really starting to take off. I speak pretty dependably in two-three word sentences now (“no, Daddy,” “open, Mommy,” “my cup,” “that’s my Mama,” and “read it, Mama”). Daddy was particularly pleased that my first subject-verb sentence was “Daddy toot.” We’re a sophisticated family.
I continue to be advanced on the mechanical side, and I’m able to put on my own velcro shoes. Of course my favorite thing is removing my them, usually at inconvenient times and locations for my parents. I know all my colors very reliably now, and I’m also able to count all the way to ten, if you get me started. I can sing quite a few standard children’s songs all by myself (ABC’s, Twinkle Twinkle, etc.), and I’ve also learned certain parts of Jack’s Lion King soundtrack (for example, I like to hum with the hyenas at the beginning of “Be Prepared”).
My current favorite foods are bread with butter (a new discovery), and anything in the pasta family (noo-noos). Yes, I am a carb-o-holic. I’m also really into dairy, specifically Baby-Bell cheese and milk, which I pronounce “mük.” If you put the carbs and dairy together, then you achieve my idea of nirvana: macaroni and cheese.
Current likes: Sesame Street characters
Current dislikes: falling asleep (for naps or bedtime)
- You can never have too many Sesame Street guys
- Carbs!