Happy 4th birthday to me!
We celebrated at home the night of my actual 4th birthday – just a quiet dinner: candles, cake, and a few presents with family. I was super excited to unwrap some PJ Masks action figures, and got right down to business playing with them. I’m a big fan of toys that allow me to imagine. I’m also a big fan of having collections of things, so this was right up my alley. My only regret was that a “Night Ninja” action figure was not included in the set, but I had high hopes that I’d be able to round out my collection at my June birthday party with friends.
My friends party was very nearly derailed when I came down with a vicious case of pink eye the day after my birthday, which I subsequently spread to Mommy and Daddy. Fortunately we were able to recover in time to pull off my PJ Masks bowling/arcade party. It was a great time, and I really enjoyed myself except for when it was time to sing over cake. I don’t really like being the center of attention and I don’t like loud noises, so birthday singing is a perfect storm. Fortunately we were able to dispense with the formalities and skip right to cake, so it all worked out in my favor!
Cake/cupcakes probably remains my favorite food at the moment, but that’s followed closely by “tubie yogurts” and chicken fingers. I would probably live on those foods if I could. I remain bright and inquisitive. I still love reading books, and have amassed quite a library in my bedroom. I’m a master negotiator, and can usually con whoever’s putting me to bed to read “just one more” about five times. I still usually request that either Mommy or Daddy lie in bed with me while I fall asleep, but I did manage to go to bed by myself a few times last week. I’m still also very shy in new situations and around new people, but I fully engage after about a 15-20 minute warm-up period, after which I’m downright gregarious.
I’m also a serious limit tester, and although I respect the system of consequences my parents have put in place for me regarding behavior, I frequently get in trouble because I can’t help but tiptoe right up to the line of what’s acceptable v. punishable. Then I like to argue my case as I’m being carried up to my room for a time-out. I definitely keep Mommy and Daddy on their toes!
Current likes: Arcade games
Current dislikes: having to stop before Mommy and Daddy get to a “3” count
- Making a wish
- PJ Masks all shout “hooray!”
- Heroes AND villains on the cake
- Mommy’s goody bag assembly line