Monthly Archives: May 2017

Lena: 20 Months

I’m 20 months old today!  I’ve always had a big personality, but it only seems to be getting larger with age.  This month I’ve discovered how to fold my arms across my chest to communicate my attitude when I’m displeased about something.  I’m not always grumpy, though.  In fact, one of my favorite things to do is to enthusiastically agree with people, yelling “yeaaahhhh,” and nodding my head to whatever’s just been stated.

I’m increasingly communicative, and I’ve added words like “airplane,” “empty,” “owl,” “moon,” “monkey,” and “flower,” to my vocabulary – putting me at just under 50 words that my parents have counted.  I can also identify three colors correctly almost all the time (blue, purple, and yellow).  I’ve also learned how to communicate that I have a dirty diaper, although I’m only right about 50% of the time I announce it.

Unlike  my cautious brother, I’m a bit of a daredevil.  I love nothing more than when Jack-Jack pushes me very fast on our riding tractor toy, and I’m fearless with regard to heights.  I don’t love being left alone, however, and for the first time ever I’ve exhibited some hesitance over being left at daycare.  I also absolutely demand that someone stay in the room with me at night while I’m falling asleep in my crib.  I’m used to Mommy or Daddy sitting in the chair in my room and singing to me, although I’ve recently begin singing some favorite songs (ABCs, Goodnight Ladies, etc.) to myself while falling asleep.

Current likes: self-serve ice cream

Current dislikes: being alone

What's a little 'nilla between friends?

What’s a little ‘nilla between friends?

Jack: 4 Years

Happy 4th birthday to me!

We celebrated at home the night of my actual 4th birthday – just a quiet dinner: candles, cake, and a few presents with family.  I was super excited to unwrap some PJ Masks action figures, and got right down to business playing with them.  I’m a big fan of toys that allow me to imagine.  I’m also a big fan of having collections of things, so this was right up my alley.  My only regret was that a “Night Ninja” action figure was not included in the set, but I had high hopes that I’d be able to round out my collection at my June birthday party with friends.

My friends party was very nearly derailed when I came down with a vicious case of pink eye the day after my birthday, which I subsequently spread to Mommy and Daddy.  Fortunately we were able to recover in time to pull off my PJ Masks bowling/arcade party.  It was a great time, and I really enjoyed myself except for when it was time to sing over cake.  I don’t really like being the center of attention and I don’t like loud noises, so birthday singing is a perfect storm.  Fortunately we were able to dispense with the formalities and skip right to cake, so it all worked out in my favor!

Cake/cupcakes probably remains my favorite food at the moment, but that’s followed closely by “tubie yogurts” and chicken fingers.  I would probably live on those foods if I could.  I remain bright and inquisitive.  I still love reading books, and have amassed quite a library in my bedroom.  I’m a master negotiator, and can usually con whoever’s putting me to bed to read “just one more” about five times.  I still usually request that either Mommy or Daddy lie in bed with me while I fall asleep, but I did manage to go to bed by myself a few times last week.  I’m still also very shy in new situations and around new people, but I fully engage after about a 15-20 minute warm-up period, after which I’m downright gregarious.

I’m also a serious limit tester, and although I respect the system of consequences my parents have put in place for me regarding behavior, I frequently get in trouble because I can’t help but tiptoe right up to the line of what’s acceptable v. punishable.  Then I like to argue my case as I’m being carried up to my room for a time-out.  I definitely keep Mommy and Daddy on their toes!

Current likes: Arcade games

Current dislikes: having to stop before Mommy and Daddy get to a “3” count