Just a month shy of my fourth birthday, and I’m looking forward to it immensely. A few of my friends in preschool have had birthdays recently (or have them coming up this month) so the difference between being a 3-year-old versus a 4-year-old is a big topic of conversation in our house. I have recently discovered a deep and abiding love for all things related to the PJ Masks, so of course I’m anticipating a superhero themed birthday.
I brought home my first Scholastic Books order form from school the other day, and there was – you guessed it – a PJ Masks-themed book inside that I was very excited about ordering. I’ve been asking almost every day if the book has arrived yet. Delayed gratification is still sort of a hard concept for me to grasp! I have been saving up all of the loose change I find around the house though, with the goal of using it to buy a toy. So in that way, I suppose I’m making progress on the whole notion of saving up and waiting to get something I want.
I’m still doing well with my 1-2-3 Magic discipline system, and I’ve been especially charming this month. One of my favorite things to do in the morning is to help Mommy get dressed, and I always voice my opinion about her outfit (“don’t wear that dress Mommy, it doesn’t have anything on it!”). I opt for patterns and lots of jewelry. Sometimes Mommy lets me accessorize with her – in the picture below you can see that I escaped from the house wearing a necklace my Yia Yia made. I like how smooth the stones are!
Current likes: picking out a new book at Barnes and Noble
Current dislikes: the speed of the U.S. postal system

Don’t let the angelic expression fool you