Monthly Archives: April 2017

Lena: 19 Months

We got to the doctor a little bit late for my 18 month appointment, so it really became my 19 month visit.  I weighed 26 pounds and 6 ounces, was 33 inches long, and had a 20 inch head circumference, putting me in approximately the 75th percentile for height and weight and the 99th for head size.  I remembered having been at the doctor for a vaccine not too long ago, so I wasn’t too keen on going again, and I was right to be suspicious.  Ouch, those shots were not my favorite part of the visit!

I’m still a happy little girl (with personality to spare) and although my canines are bothering me a bit as they come all the way in, it’s nothing a nice frozen pea snack can’t fix.  I happen to like some veggies, including peas, green beans, and asparagus.  Other than that my foods of choice include yogurt, fruit, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pizza, macaroni and cheese, and anything covered in marinara sauce.

My favorite pastime is chatting it up with my brother, who I have dubbed “Jack-Jack.”  I continue to add to my vocabulary of just over 40 words, and my new ones really give you a sense of my current obsessions and priorities.  The are: mine, Ernie, iron man, pizza, shoes, and flowers.  I really like to make Jack-Jack laugh, and the surest way to do this is to slap myself in the face and then say “ow.”  We both think it’s hysterical.  I also take very seriously the responsibility of warning people when something might be hot, and I proclaim most foods hot (even string cheese) until someone agrees to blow on it for me.

Current likes: puppies and taking my shoes on and off

Current dislikes: the doctor’s office

Jack: 3 Years 11 Months

Just a month shy of my fourth birthday, and I’m looking forward to it immensely.  A few of my friends in preschool have had birthdays recently (or have them coming up this month) so the difference between being a 3-year-old versus a 4-year-old is a big topic of conversation in our house.  I have recently discovered a deep and abiding love for all things related to the PJ Masks, so of course I’m anticipating a superhero themed birthday.

I brought home my first Scholastic Books order form from school the other day, and there was – you guessed it – a PJ Masks-themed book inside that I was very excited about ordering.  I’ve been asking almost every day if the book has arrived yet.  Delayed gratification is still sort of a hard concept for me to grasp!  I have been saving up all of the loose change I find around the house though, with the goal of using it to buy a toy.  So in that way, I suppose I’m making progress on the whole notion of saving up and waiting to get something I want.

I’m still doing well with my 1-2-3 Magic discipline system, and I’ve been especially charming this month.  One of my favorite things to do in the morning is to help Mommy get dressed, and I always voice my opinion about her outfit (“don’t wear that dress Mommy, it doesn’t have anything on it!”).  I opt for patterns and lots of jewelry.  Sometimes Mommy lets me accessorize with her – in the picture below you can see that I escaped from the house wearing a necklace my Yia Yia made.  I like how smooth the stones are!

Current likes: picking out a new book at Barnes and Noble

Current dislikes: the speed of the U.S. postal system

Don't let the angelic expression fool you

Don’t let the angelic expression fool you

Happy Easter 2017

We headed down to the beach to see family over Easter weekend, and had a great time taking the ferry (we saw dolphins!  And dogs!  They had M&Ms!!!!!).  We had a great weekend filled with fun, family, presents, and food.

Happy Passover 2017!

Wishing all our friends of family lots of matzoh with cream cheese.