Monthly Archives: March 2017

Lena: 18 Months

Can you say personality?  I’m bursting with it!  At 1.5 years old I’ve come into my own, including a very unique sense of style (see below).  One of my favorite things to do when Daddy’s getting me dressed in the mornings is to pick out my own hair bow.  Sometimes I can’t limit myself to just one!

I’m up to a vocabulary of about 35 words now (new ones include banana, apple, night-night, noodle, bird, please (“pweeeee?”), snow, and outside).  I’ve also learned to say thank you, and I’m fairly rigorous about using it when I get what I ask for.  I know how to say excuse you, although it sounds almost exactly the same as my thank you –  (“deeh-doooo”).

I have an abiding love for animals … not only my own kitty, but also all things puppies. Some of my closest friends are the inanimate canine figures at the mall, including a mannequin at Old Navy and an ASPCA donation receptacle.  I love to talk to them, hug them, and beep their noses.

Some of my older friends have recently transitioned out of the infant room at school, which has been a bit difficult for me, because I’ve had to share my favorite teachers with some new, younger babies who need a lot more attention.  On the bright side, though, I’ve been allowed to make some trips up to the toddler room at the end of the day, and it’s fun to visit the big kids!

Current likes: being tickled, the dog mannequin at Old Navy

Current dislikes: Competing for my caregivers’ attention

Jack: 3 Years 10 Months

This past month we celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday at school, and read a lot of his classic books like Hop on Pop, Wocket in My Pocket, and Cat in the Hat.  I loved them!  Here I am pictured at home reading a copy of What Kind of Pet Should We Get?  Next to me is my reading buddy, Curious George (or as I call him, “Serious George”).

Reading and spelling are still my favorite pastimes, and many a night I can be heard begging Mommy and Daddy to go to the bookstore.  I’ve continued to hone my spelling abilities, memorizing dozens of short words and quite a few longer words, too, such as, “green,” “organic,” “prestige,” and “cherry.”  I’m getting pretty good at sounding things out phonetically, although I’d rather ask to have a grownup read me new words.  According to my preschool teachers, I actually read the text off of a fellow student’s shirt unprompted.

Mommy and Daddy also started using the 1-2-3 Magic discipline system this month, and I must say I’ve responded very well to the warnings and consequences.  Although sometimes I still have difficulties expressing disappointment and frustration constructively, I’ve made some real strides!

Current likes: puzzles (I’m getting very proficient at my 24-36 piece varieties)

Current dislikes: when my requests are not acknowledged or acted upon immediately

Reading with "Serious George"

Reading with “Serious George”

Happy Purim 2017!

Hey everybody – Happy Purim!  Mommy was at a conference in D.C. the weekend of March 11-12, 2017 so alas, no hamantaschen were baked or consumed in our house this year.  She did bring us back a grogger (a traditional holiday noise-maker) which we enjoy quite a bit.  It’s so loud that it’s been relegated to bath-toy, and it may “accidentally” disappear altogether pretty soon.  We’ve also been reading Sammy Spider’s First Purim, which Jack especially has been enjoying.