As I begin to round the corner towards four years old, my abilities with numbers, time, and language have really taken off. I’ve been able to count back from 10 to 1 for some time now, but I’m also getting really good at the game “which is bigger,” and can almost always tell you which of two numbers is larger. I also know my days of the week, although I still refer to almost everything that happened in the past as “yesterday.” Perhaps my most remarkable development since last month is my absolute fascination with letters. I ask the adults in my life to spell things incessantly; I can’t get enough of knowing about words! On a typical car ride to preschool I’ll ask Mommy to spell car, car seat, road, tree, stoplight, sign, license plate, truck … it goes on like this for the entire twenty minute commute. I’ve even begun to memorize some small words that have been spelled for me repeatedly.
I also like typing into a blank Word document on Mommy’s laptop, and I consider it a special treat when she let’s me “type letters” on her computer. We did have a minor argument over the spelling of the word “computer,” which I insist is actually “gum-puter,” but for the most part I have a pretty good ear for the sounds various letters should make. For example, I love listening to a Mickey Mouse & Friends audio CD in the car on the way to preschool, and I recently pointed out the fact that “Huey,” Dewey,” and “Louie” all sound like they should have a “W” in them, but only one of them does. Even Mommy had to agree that I had a good point, and spelling is weird! I also like to talk about how sneaky some letters can be, like the “g” in “light” and “night.”
I’m still a big Beatles fan, although my favorite songs have shifted, and are now Norwegian Wood (which I insist is “Regional Wood”) and What Goes On. Lena is not a fan of What Goes On, and she protests mildly each time it comes on. This has only served to enhance the song’s appeal.
Current likes: The Beatles and spelling
Current dislikes: silent letters
- Abusing the CapsLock key at an early age
- I’d sell my own mother for a lollipop
- Helping out around the house