Hey, everybody! I’m continuing on my quest to be the quirkiest kid around. My obsession this month is Band-Aids (at last count I had thirteen of them on my legs, with no actual injury). I especially love the type that comes branded with characters from Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse, Finding Dory, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Disney’s Frozen (even though I’ve never even seen the latter two movies). Mostly I like collecting things, and Band-Aids are no exception.
I’ve also developed an interest in the music of the Beatles, which I’m under the impression are actually singing beatles, and not people. I listen to tracks off of Rubber Soul almost every day on the way to school, and I can name all four members of the band along with their claim to fame (“Ringo is the drummer, George plays guitar, and John and Paul wrote most of the songs.”) My favorite song is “In My Life,” which Mommy plays right before we have to get out of the car for the day. Although I’m a home body at heart, having a solid routine at drop-off time has helped me transition between home and school with less angst, and when the song ends I’m ready to get out of the car and face the day.
In other positive news, I’ve miraculously begun sleeping over night in my own bed again with relative frequency. For the past six months or so I had been waking up in the middle of the night and coming into Mommy and Daddy’s bed, which wasn’t ideal for any of us. I’ll still occasionally wake up (maybe once or twice per week), but when I do now, I stay in my own bed and let Mommy or Daddy come to me to help me fall back asleep.
Current likes: the Beatles, vanilla ice cream, and the New York Giants
Current dislikes: when I have to get out of the car before a song ends
- Jack and Opa as Ninja Turtles
- Vanilla + Jack 4eva!