Baby hair gone wild! My hair has finally hit the length at which it requires some serious maintenance, and my parents have begun dabbling with pigtails and other solutions (with limited success, it should be noted). Most days I wake up with some serious bed-head, and I don’t help matters by constantly plucking my bow out of my hair and carrying it over to a nearby adult, announcing, “bow!” as if I’ve just discovered it for the first time. In my defense, I am pretty compliant about allowing the bow to be placed back in my hair … for about two minutes.
I’m up to twenty words now, with my latest additions being bow (for my hair, of course!), “Elmo,” which I use to refer to any Sesame Street character, and “yah,” for yes. I have figured out how to nod in the affirmative, as well, and I do this by very enthusiastically bouncing my entire body up and down. The up and down bob is pretty much my signature dance move, too. And what I lack in coordination I more than make up for in passion. My favorite songs to dance to are “The Hotdog Dance” and “El Quacko,” but I’ll bop to anything with a beat, from 70s folk rock to 90s rap.
I’ve finally given up even my nighttime bottle, and bedtime is now reserved for special reading time. I’m not interested in all books, but I am loyal to those I’m familiar with. I’m singularly devoted to “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” and could read that book four or more times in a row, if allowed. I like the black sheep in that book quite a bit, and if you ask me what a sheep says, I’ll respond with a growly, dinosaur-roar-sounding “BAHHH!” much to my brother’s amusement.
It hasn’t all been peachy, though! This month brought some serious teething, and I’m pleased to announce that my first molar (bottom right) and first canine (bottom left) have finally made an appearance. My swollen gums suggest that more teeth will be following in short order.
Current likes: Giggling maniacally and helping put laundry in the washing machine
Current dislikes: Teething

Yes, I know the bow is inadequate … you try to control this hair!