Time for a check-in … first for the vital stats: at 15 months old, I weigh 23.8 pounds, I’m 31 inches tall, and my head circumference is 19.5 inches (in other words, between the 50th-75th percentile for height and weight, and above the 95th percentile for head size).
Oh, and I’m officially a walker! I took my first real unassisted steps at a little more than 14.5 months of age, on December 10, 2016. While I love the independence afforded me by my ability to toddle around, my favorite thing in the world is still being carried. If I manage to make eye contact with one of my parents then I usually take the opportunity to ask “Ah-pee? Ah-pee? Ah-pee?” My vocabulary continues to expand, too. I have a total of about 17 words (new ones include baby, mouth (“mow”), Minnie (“Mimmie!”), and ow.
I’m mostly giggles and smiles, but I’m certainly not a pushover, and everyone in the family (including brother Jack!) has been learning to navigate my emerging toddler attitude. I have been significantly better about letting Mommy and Daddy change my diaper, but I always communicate my feelings to those in charge, and still won’t hesitate to howl if I’m not pleased with a given situation.
In general I’ll eat anything that doesn’t eat me first, and my favorite foods include grilled cheese (any cheese, really), yogurt, peanut butter & jelly, bananas, and blueberries. The stomach bug that hit the entire family over the holiday break got me worst of all, however, and I wound up vomiting 12 times in as many hours. As a result, Mommy and Daddy have allowed me to keep my nighttime bottle just a LITTLE bit longer, and I’m still sucking down 4-6 oz of milk before bedtime each night. I’m enjoying it while it lasts!
Current likes: My bottle
Current dislikes: stomach viruses!
- Humidity gives me crazy curls
- Hiiiieeeeee