Happy October, everybody! As you can see, I’m enjoying reading a lot these days (Mimi ordered me some kids magazines, which I love), and I’ve picked up a lot of new vocabulary words as a result. For example, we’ve been talking a lot about the changing weather at school, and I can tell you that the trees that don’t drop their leaves are called “evergreen.” I can also tell you that “a couple means two,” that “fog is a cloud that’s close to the ground,” and that “fragile is something that can break.” I take a lot of pride in knowing what words mean, and I love to share my newfound definitions with people whenever I recognize a word.
I’ve been a little more adventuresome in my eating, too, and I’ve broadened my steady diet of carbohydrates and dairy products to include a few other Jack-approved foods. Mommy is particularly excited about the fact that I like green beans (dipped in ketchup, of course). I’ve also developed a love of chicken soup, especially the broth, which I call “chicken breath.”
Current likes: Thomas the train
Current dislikes: Hearing my name and realizing I’m being talked about
- Nose deep in a magazine
- I love the pigeon books – he’s sassy