I love birthdays, and I had a lot of fun planning my sister’s upcoming party this month. I know that she was born in September like Mimi, whereas I was born in May like YiaYia. In fact, if you name almost any member of my immediate or extended family I can name their birth month. The things I love about birthdays include cupcakes (I used to be strictly a chocolate man, but I’m in a bit of a vanilla phase at the moment) and presents. Presents needn’t be large or expensive to hold my interest – in fact, my absolute favorite presents are chapsticks, which I call “chop sticks.” I hoard them like a little magpie, and I pat down anyone entering the house to see if they have chop sticks in their pocket I can add to my collection.
I have also been in a bit of a saucy phase, and I’m bringing home some interesting new language from my pre-school class. I now understand the concept of threat-making, although I come up with some very creative and not entirely intimidating threats. In a moment of anger I recently yelled at my Mom, “Mama, I’m going to smoosh you into ice cream!” without realizing how delicious that actually sounded. I also frequently threaten to put people on the roof or to take all the tires off their cars.
Current likes: parties and Pez
Current dislikes: anger management

Is my haircut handsome, Mom?