Happy Birthday to me! As an official one-year-old I weigh 21 lbs and 12 ounces (70th percentile), I’m 29.5 inches tall (60th percentile), and my head circumference is just barely clinging to the charts with a 19 inch circumference. I’m a strong and healthy toddler (although I’m not toddling yet), and one of my defining characteristics is my determination. For having been such a mellow and easy going baby I certainly have developed an iron will, as evidenced whenever someone tries to take something I’m holding away from me.
I currently have eight teeth (four on the top and four on the bottom) and although I’ve had a lot of swelling in my back gums, no molars appear to be imminent. I’m eating all table foods: yogurt for breakfast; PB&J, cheese, and fruit for lunch; and various things for dinner. I’m officially switching over to cow’s milk in my bottles, and I still take two 4 oz bottles to school with me each day, although I’m going to work on switching over to drinking my daytime milk from a cup, now that I’m a big girl.
I’m a pretty good sleeper, falling asleep for the night at around 7:30 p.m. and waking for the day around 6:30 or 7:00 a.m. I should still probably be taking two naps per day, but I’m increasingly resistant to the morning nap, so many days I only wind up taking one mid-day snooze.
I had a pumpkin-themed party to celebrate my first birthday, and I had a great time. I was a little hesitant about the “smash cake,” because I’ve never had a dessert before. Once I overcame my suspicions I decided I liked it a lot! I got to use one of my favorite words, “more,” a lot that day! I still only have about 2-3 recognizable words (“more,” uh-oh,” and “hi”), but I’m so social and engaged that I’m certain to add more words in short order. My receptive language is also quite good, and I can follow instructions (when I feel like it!)
Current likes: shaking my head back and forth and “dancing” to music, playing the piano
Current dislikes: having anything I’m holding taken from me
- Happy Birthday, baby girl!
- Lighting candles
- Smash cake
- Birthday pearls
- Pumpkin pull-apart cake
- Yum!
- Candy bar
- Thanks for the sign, Aunt DeDe!