Monthly Archives: September 2016

Lena: 12 Months (365 Days of Bean Bean!)

Happy Birthday to me!  As an official one-year-old I weigh 21 lbs and 12 ounces (70th percentile), I’m 29.5 inches tall (60th percentile), and my head circumference is just barely clinging to the charts with a 19 inch circumference.  I’m a strong and healthy toddler (although I’m not toddling yet), and one of my defining characteristics is my determination.  For having been such a mellow and easy going baby I certainly have developed an iron will, as evidenced whenever someone tries to take something I’m holding away from me.

I currently have eight teeth (four on the top and four on the bottom) and although I’ve had a lot of swelling in my back gums, no molars appear to be imminent.  I’m eating all table foods: yogurt for breakfast; PB&J, cheese, and fruit for lunch; and various things for dinner.  I’m officially switching over to cow’s milk in my bottles, and I still take two 4 oz bottles to school with me each day, although I’m going to work on switching over to drinking my daytime milk from a cup, now that I’m a big girl.

I’m a pretty good sleeper, falling asleep for the night at around 7:30 p.m. and waking for the day around 6:30 or 7:00 a.m.  I should still probably be taking two naps per day, but I’m increasingly resistant to the morning nap, so many days I only wind up taking one mid-day snooze.

I had a pumpkin-themed party to celebrate my first birthday, and I had a great time.  I was a little hesitant about the “smash cake,” because I’ve never had a dessert before.  Once I overcame my suspicions I decided I liked it a lot!  I got to use one of my favorite words, “more,” a lot that day!  I still only have about 2-3 recognizable words (“more,” uh-oh,” and “hi”), but I’m so social and engaged that I’m certain to add more words in short order.  My receptive language is also quite good, and I can follow instructions (when I feel like it!)

Current likes: shaking my head back and forth and “dancing” to music, playing the piano

Current dislikes: having anything I’m holding taken from me

Jack: 3 Years 4 Months

I love birthdays, and I had a lot of fun planning my sister’s upcoming party this month.  I know that she was born in September like Mimi, whereas I was born in May like YiaYia.  In fact, if you name almost any member of my immediate or extended family I can name their birth month.  The things I love about birthdays include cupcakes (I used to be strictly a chocolate man, but I’m in a bit of a vanilla phase at the moment) and presents.  Presents needn’t be large or expensive to hold my interest – in fact, my absolute favorite presents are chapsticks, which I call “chop sticks.”  I hoard them like a little magpie, and I pat down anyone entering the house to see if they have chop sticks in their pocket I can add to my collection.

I have also been in a bit of a saucy phase, and I’m bringing home some interesting new language from my pre-school class.  I now understand the concept of threat-making, although I come up with some very creative and not entirely intimidating threats.  In a moment of anger  I recently yelled at my Mom, “Mama, I’m going to smoosh you into ice cream!” without realizing how delicious that actually sounded.  I also frequently threaten to put people on the roof or to take all the tires off their cars.

Current likes: parties and Pez

Current dislikes: anger management

Is my haircut handsome, Mom?

Is my haircut handsome, Mom?

Jack: First Day of Preschool

Today, September 6, 2016 is my first day of preschool!  I’ve been making visits from my toddler classroom to the “big kids upstairs,” but today I move up officially.  My class is almost all boys (oy), so my teacher is going to have her work cut out for her!

I’ve been listening to “Peter and the Wolf” while getting ready for school in the mornings, so I was very excited to wear my wolf sweatshirt to class today.  Mommy’s pretty sure it’s actually a racoon, but there’s no convincing me.