This was a big month for me, in part because my new baby cousin was born, so I got to make a special trip to Washington, D.C. with Mommy to meet her. I flew on a plane without any incident, and talked the ears off the ladies across the aisle from me! I’m very chatty now, and I said “Mama” for the first time on July 3, 2016. Although I don’t say it with intention, it sure makes Mommy pretty happy. I’ve also figured out how to clap (did it for the first time on July 24, 2016) and will do it back to you if you’re willing to demonstrate.
I’m also becoming more adventurous with table foods, and have tried finger-food blueberries, cheese, salmon, and peas. I liked them all! Now I’m eating 4 ounces of pureed fruit at breakfast, 4 ounces of pureed veggies and 4 ounces of finger foods at lunch, and 6 ounces of finger food/purees for dinner. I’ve been a little less enthusiastic about my milk, and recently went on strike at daycare. Mommy and Daddy have figured out that if they switch my two 6 oz bottles back to four 4 oz bottles then I’m more likely to drink them. I’m more of a snacker than a concerted bottle drinker nowadays. This could, of course, be attributed to teething. I got my third tooth (another one on the bottom left) on July 10, 2016. So now I’m rocking a cute asymmetrical smile on the bottom and nothing on the top.
I had my nine month appointment a little late, so Mommy can now report that I weigh 20 lbs 12 oz, am 28 inches long, and have an 18.5 cm head. In other words, I’m big and healthy (50th percentile for height and 70th for weight, with a head that’s just barely back on the charts). Oh, and another development … my hair’s officially curly!
Current likes: feeding myself
Current dislikes: having my nails clipped or my pajamas put on
- Uppie?
- “Blebber, blebber, blebber!”
- Wanna play, Mom?
- We need more toys!
- Huh?
- Clap, clap, clap, clap!
- Found a sticker! Oh, you wanted this?
- This is my sweet potato face
- Finding my light
- Taking a break from being cute
- Officially curly
OMG – Lena looks just like Jack! Love the pics.