Jack: 3 Years 2 Months

Summer is in full swing, and I’m living ice cream season to the fullest, attempting to stain every shirt I own!  As soon as this picture was taken I looked at Mommy and said, “whoa, this ice-cream is LITERALLY melting everywhere.”  It was, indeed.

My school has switched over to “summer camp,” which means they sent home a portfolio of all my artwork over the past year, and as you can see, I’m in full boy-mode.  Most of my waking hours are spent impersonating a dinosaur.  Sometimes it’s because I love them (“velociraptors are the fastest!”), and sometimes it’s inadvertent, because I’m having a toddler meltdown and growling uncontrollably.  Mommy and Daddy are going to switch tactics and try a sticker chart for positive reinforcement.  When I use my nice words to tell them calmly how I’m feeling I’ll get a sticker, and then I can trade stickers in for rewards.  It’s worth a shot, right?

Current likes: Vanilla (sometimes “manilla”) ice cream

Current dislikes: Actually being left alone after I tell someone to leave me alone

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