3/4 of a year old already! Mommy had to schedule my nine month appointment a little late (it will be closer to my ten month birthday) so I haven’t had my official measurements taken, but I got another ear infection – my second! – and weighed in at almost exactly 20 lbs during my sick visit. I’m so pleasant that my ear infection almost went undiagnosed, but luckily Daddy noticed me pulling a little bit on one ear.
A lot has happened since last month. Since I took my first lurches forward on June 5, 2016 I’ve improved my crawling considerably. I’m still not speedy, but I’m getting there. On June 11, 2016 I pulled myself upright and onto my knees for the first time. All of this new-found freedom of motion has given me a desire to explore, and I’m extremely wiggly now during diaper changes. I don’t like being restrained!
I do like eating, and I’m up to 4 oz of purees for breakfast, 4 for lunch, and 6 for dinner (for a total of 14 oz). My favorite past-time while eating is chatting, and I love nothing more than talking to the printer’s tray hung on the wall behind my seat (“eh, eh!”). Sometimes I’ll crack myself up and giggle a little while kicking my feet. Meal time is hilarious.
I’ve dropped down to two naps during the day, and I tend to be on the 2, 3, 4 schedule (two hours of awake time followed by a nap, then three hours of awake time, etc.). I still fall asleep for the night between 7:30-8:00 p.m., but I’ve started waking up once or even twice per night. This could be the result of teething, especially because I still don’t have my top teeth!
Current likes: exploring
Current dislikes: having my clothes buttoned or snapped.
- Ciao, bella!
- Oh hey :)
- Bean bean girl
- All smiles
- Fake cereal, anyone?
- Leenie goo-ga-laesh-ie
- Say what?
- Pulling myself up to stand
- 9 months of cute
- Hi Mama