I’m eight months old and allllllllmost mobile! I’ve figured out how to get up on all fours and rock back and forth. It’s only a matter of time before I’m crawling all over the house. As it is, I’m very rolly, very smiley, and very squealy.
I now eat 3 ounces of solid food for breakfast and lunch, and upwards of 6 ounces for dinner, for a total of about 12 ounces of purees per day. I also tried self-feeding a mum-mum for the first time on May 22, 2016. I’m working on perfecting my pincer grasp … mostly on Mommy’s necklace and earrings. I can pick up a puff, but can’t quite get it in my mouth yet.
Current likes: snacks
Current dislikes: getting my nails trimmed
- Huh?
- Helllloooooo :)
- Our happy girl
- Hello, up there!
- Sun’s out, guns out, Mama!
- Cheeks for days
- Chubblette
- Crawling machine!
- :)