Monthly Archives: May 2016

Lena: 8 Months

I’m eight months old and allllllllmost mobile!  I’ve figured out how to get up on all fours and rock back and forth.  It’s only a matter of time before I’m crawling all over the house.  As it is, I’m very rolly, very smiley, and very squealy.

I now eat 3 ounces of solid food for breakfast and lunch, and upwards of 6 ounces for dinner, for a total of about 12 ounces of purees per day.  I also tried self-feeding a mum-mum for the first time on May 22, 2016.  I’m working on perfecting my pincer grasp … mostly on Mommy’s necklace and earrings.  I can pick up a puff, but can’t quite get it in my mouth yet.

Current likes: snacks

Current dislikes: getting my nails trimmed

Jack: 3 Years!

At my three year check-up I stood 3 feet and 2.25 inches tall and weighed 30 pounds, putting me in the 70th percentile for height and 50th for weight.  My third birthday party was at Bounce! Trampoline Sports, and had a Paw Patrol theme (what else?)  I looked forward to my party for a month, and invited pretty much everyone I met.

As a three year-old I can best be described as inquisitive, sensitive, funny, quirky, and stubborn, by turns.  In social situations I am tentative and then enthusiastic, after a “warm-up” period.  I am very attuned to sensory inputs — for example, I am very noise sensitive, unless I am the source of the noise.  I am also very into textures.  I like all things that are soft and smooth (like my raspberry yogurt) and I accept no substitutions … fruit on the bottom need not apply!  I can also be found stroking the silky edge of my blankie or rubbing it on my upper lip – I’m weird like Mommy that way.

I continue to be a kind and devoted big brother.  I love to make Lena shriek and squeal with laughter, and my feelings are immediately hurt if I think she isn’t happy enough to see me in the mornings.  In the car on the way to school, I can frequently be found holding her hand or entertaining her so she won’t get fussy.  In exchange for this I demand only my equal share of her Yogurt Melts, which I have rediscovered as my favorite snack food.  I can occasionally get jealous of her, especially when she’s being picked up instead of me, but in general I’m incredibly patient with her and even willing to share my favorite toys with her

Current likes: air hockey and Paw Patrol

Current dislikes: sharing Mommy