There’s no official seven month check-up, so Mommy and Daddy don’t know how big I am exactly, but I’m getting bigger every day. I’m an eating machine, and now I have teeth! I got my first one (lower front right) on April 10, 2016 and my second one (lower front left) three days later. No more gummy smiles!
As my tummy has been getting bigger and I’m capable of going longer in between meals, I’ve moved from three 4 ounce bottles per day at daycare to two 6 ounce bottles (for a total of about 20 oz per day). I also have between 6-9 ounces of solid food per day. I’ve tried turkey for the first time, and I’m a big fan.
In mobility news, I’ve been working on sitting up, reaching, scooching myself backwards, and pivoting. I can’t crawl, but I can maneuver myself around to get what I need. I’m a super sweet and smiley baby, and I like to babble (lots of B, G, and D noises). All this activity makes me tired! I take three naps during the day (but the mid-day nap is the longest), and I sleep about eleven hours at night (from 7:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.).
Current likes: My wipes package and empty Gatorade bottles (my favorite toys)
Current dislikes: Having my face wiped
- Slowly collapsing forward
- 7 months is a yummy age
- tentatively reaching for whatever mom’s dangling in front of me
- Oh hey, mom
- Still getting the hang of sitting up
- Delish!