I turned two years and ten months old on March 22, 2016. As I close in on my third birthday, I’m able to tell you that I’ll be three in May, and I also know what month most of my family members were born in, too. I have some opinions about where and how I’d like to celebrate my birthday. Mommy and Daddy took me to “Bounce” for the first time, and after about fifteen minutes of hesitance, I jumped into the foam pit and started giggling. Now I can’t stop asking when I’m going back for my birthday party.
I’m picking up some new phrases at daycare, including “what’s going on in here, guys?” which is what I typically say upon entering a room. I also like to play doctor, which involves looking in my patient’s ears for “waxes” and putting on my gloves to “feel you better.”
Current likes: jumping, playing pretend
Current dislikes: being corrected (I cover my eyes and pout if I think I’m in trouble)

Whee – loving the foam pit!