I turned four months old on January 25, 2016. At my last check-up I weighed 16 pounds 6 ounces, was 25.5 inches long, and my head circumference was 17.75 inches. I’m a strong and healthy baby girl, in the 90th percentile for height and weight, and still of the charts for head size.
I am increasingly social. I like to chat now, and if you get me going I’ll “talk” to you for quite some time, or maybe grunt at you like a dinosaur. My favorite thing to grunt at is my feet. They’re pretty much my favorite thing, period. I like to hold them, laugh at them, and shove them in my mouth. I’ve also discovered crinkle books, and can highly recommend them.
I’m getting more physically adept, and figured out how to roll front to back on January 1, 2016. I’m also making some moves to sit up, and I do a mini-crunch to indicate that I’d like to assume a sitting position. I’ve tried sitting in a Bumbo seat, but only sort-of liked it. I REALLY like my jumperoo, but only for about 15 minutes at a time.
I’ve had some setbacks in the sleeping department, which Mommy and Daddy expected but were hoping would not come to pass. I had a major sleep regression at about 16 weeks of age, and have begun waking up every 1-3 hours all night long. It’s a good thing I’m so cute …
Current likes: My feet
Current dislikes: Sleeping through the night
- Smiles!
- Mmmm, delicious
- My best “Golden Girls” outfit
- Oh, hey, Dad. Whatcha doin’?
- Happy baby
- This face is green now!
- Tasty
- Exploring my noggin stick