Happy end of the fourth trimester to me! I turned three months old on Christmas Day, and I now weigh 15 pounds and 2 ounces, am 24.25 inches long, and my head circumference is 17.25 inches. In layman’s terms, my head is enormous. Off the charts even more than my brother Jack’s!
This has been quite a momentous month from start to finish, with lots of big changes. Perhaps the biggest one is that Mommy went back to work on December 18, 2015. Since Mommy had to attend meetings in New York City over the weekend and I didn’t start daycare until December 21, 2015, Mimi volunteered to look after me. This would have been a great plan had I not come down with my first real illness and woken up barking with a very croupy cough at around 2:00 a.m. that morning! I’m such a happy little girl that I still tried to smile through the sickness, though. Thanks for taking care of me, Mimi!
I’m adjusting well to daycare, although I have a reputation for being more of a cat napper than a solid sleeper there. The only way they can get me down for naps is to put me into my Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit. I have been sleeping longer stretches at night, though, sometimes up to six or eight hours!
I’m eating four ounces of breast milk every three hours, and spitting quite a bit of it back up – I’m a regular fountain. The pediatricians assure my parents that baby spit-up peaks around three months of age and then diminishes with time. They find this reassuring, because I soak through about two outfits and four bibs every day at daycare!
I’ve grown socially, and developed a preference for being held facing outward (I don’t like to miss anything that’s going on around me). I’ve also become fond of repeatedly shoving my hands in my mouth and clasping them together. I’ve figured out how to bat at objects, and how to giggle. I think it’s hilarious when my Daddy bounces me up and down.
Current likes: watching the world go by from my parents’ arms
Current dislikes: croup
- Rock-n-Play happiness
- *snickers*
- Mona Lisa smile
- Little lady
- Happy three months, girlie!
- Nakey baby!