Holy cow, you guys, I’m a month old already! At my one month doctor’s appointment I weighed 10 pounds exactly, which was a big relief for Mommy, because some latching issues were keeping me from gaining weight in the beginning and it took me about three weeks to get back up to my birth weight. I think we’re off to the races now, though. I was also 21.5 inches long and had a head circumference of 15.75 inches. So yeah … that’s a pretty terrifically big head on me too. I guess this family grows big noggins.
All things considered I’m a happy, serene baby. Mommy and Daddy would be tempted to call me perfect, except I’m a pretty prolific spitter-upper, which is not something they’re used to dealing with in a baby! Needless to say, we go through a lot of bibs. I’m a good napper, and when I’m awake I can smile, hold eye contact, and track objects. I sleep 3.5 hour stretches at night before waking to feed.
Current likes: Nuzzling/burying my face to fall asleep, and peeing the second my diaper is removed
Current dislikes: Being cold
- Serious Kickee Pants modeling going on here
- Oh, hi!
- What upper lip?
- Whee – photo shoots are fun!
- You’re funny!
- Thinking deep thoughts …
- 30 days of “cute” and counting!
- Snoozing