Monthly Archives: October 2015

Happy Halloween, 2015

Jack here, everybody!  We headed up to Syracuse for Halloween.  Since Aunt Dede and Uncle Charlie were going to be in town, we decided to do a family “Sesame Street” theme for our costumes.  Daddy ordered a full bodysuit Cookie Monster costume because he knew I’d love it.  Well let me tell you … it was utterly terrifying!  I froze in my tracks and screamed when I saw it.  In retrospect I think it was pretty awesome, though, and I tell everyone “Daddy was a big Cookie Monster!”  I only rang one or two doorbells to trick-or-treat.  Once I got a Kit-Kat or two in my little paws, I was ready to turn in and call the night a success.  Thanks for making Leenie’s first Halloween special, family!

Sunny days, sweepin' the clouds away ...

Sunny days, sweepin’ the clouds away …

Lena: 1 Month

Holy cow, you guys, I’m a month old already!  At my one month doctor’s appointment I weighed 10 pounds exactly, which was a big relief for Mommy, because some latching issues were keeping me from gaining weight in the beginning and it took me about three weeks to get back up to my birth weight.  I think we’re off to the races now, though.  I was also 21.5 inches long and had a head circumference of 15.75 inches.  So yeah … that’s a pretty terrifically big head on me too.  I guess this family grows big noggins.

All things considered I’m a happy, serene baby.  Mommy and Daddy would be tempted to call me perfect, except I’m a pretty prolific spitter-upper, which is not something they’re used to dealing with in a baby!  Needless to say, we go through a lot of bibs.  I’m a good napper, and when I’m awake I can smile, hold eye contact, and track objects.  I sleep 3.5 hour stretches at night before waking to feed.

Current likes: Nuzzling/burying my face to fall asleep, and peeing the second my diaper is removed

Current dislikes: Being cold

Jack: 2 Years 5 Months

It’s been a really big month for me, becoming a big brother and all!  Lena came home from the hospital (“host-i-ble”) with us and now it’s up to me to protect her.  I take that responsibility very seriously.  I’m gentle with “my baby,” and I’m always thinking about ways to include her.  For example, when we went pumpkin picking I chose a little white gourd for her so she could have a pumpkin more her size.

In other “big boy” news, Mommy and Daddy finally turned my car seat around so that it’s front facing.  All I have to say is, wow.  Traffic lights.  How did I not know about these before?  I think they’re the greatest.  I love helping Mommy and Daddy drive by reminding them when it’s time to stop and go, and sometimes Daddy even lets me help him magically turn the red lights green.  It’s a complete rush.

I still like to perform for laughs, and humor has become a good way to get attention now that I’ve got to share my face-time with the baby.  One thing Mommy and Daddy seem to love is when I pose like the Incredible Hulk, straining to make muscles and growling (“errrrrrrr!”).  I’ve also learned that I can say something ridiculous or willfully mislead someone, only to yell “I kidding you!”

I’m getting a more sophisticated understanding of time, and I measure everything that’s happening relatively soon by an increment of time I refer to as “in a little minute.”  I understand things that have happened a while ago, too, although whether something happened last week or before my nap, I pretty much refer to anything in the recent past as “yesterday.”

Current likes: Lena and traffic lights

Current dislikes: Performing my hulk pose on command (I get shy!)

Lena: First Smiles – Three Weeks

I’ve started smiling socially.  And just like my brother, Jack, my favorite place to crack a smile is on my changing table!

Lena: First Bath

My umbilical cord fell of on October 4, 2015 (day nine, for those of you who are counting).  Since it fell off a little early, Mommy and Daddy had to wait a few extra days for everything to heal up before giving me my first bath.  I pretty much loved it, though.  Worth the wait!

Go Giants!

Lena and Jack here!  We’re so excited to cheer for Big Blue alongside Mommy and Daddy.  Daddy even ordered us special custom jerseys – here’s hoping they bring the G-Men some luck this season.

Our Watch-Cat

Lena here, everybody.  I want to tell you all about my buddy and constant guardian.  She goes by many names: Miscuits, Kets, Missy Girl, Meecy, Kit-Kat … but whatever you call her, she’s my new feline BFF.  Because my brother Jack was already nine months old when we adopted her, I’m the first newborn Missy’s ever seen.  And while her attitude towards my brother has evolved over time from dismissive to tolerant to tentatively interested, she’s sincerely pleased about me.  As you can see. she takes her duties as my sentry quite seriously.