Monthly Archives: September 2015

Lena: Adding a Splash of Pink

So Mommy’s not exactly a girly-girl, but since there are so few female babies in this family, there was little to no chance that I would escape without a boat-load of pink outfits!  Even the nursery got a little pink-i-fi-caion …

Lena: Coming Home from the Hospital

I snoozed the whole way home from the hospital.  I’m a little jaundiced and a little lighter, having lost a fair amount of my birth weight.  I’m down to a trim 8 lbs 6 ozs at discharge, but still very healthy and happy by all accounts!

Jack & Lena: A Love Story

Jack here, everybody!  Just needed to check in to say how much I love my new baby sister.  She’s “my baby,” and I’m very protective of her.  I know that she came from the hospital, but she’s coming home to live with us now, and I’m more than okay with that.  I also like to bring her all my favorite toys and stack them on top of her, just in case she wants to play with them.  Sometimes I’ll even share my blankie, which is my most prized possession!  And while I’m not 100% on board with this whole sharing Mommy thing, I’m being pretty magnanimous about it so far.

My baby!

My baby!

The Practice is Expanding: Lena Blossom Saland is Here

There’s a new Dr. Binkman in town!  I was born at 3:26 p.m. on Friday, September 25, 2015 after approximately 11 hours of labor (sorry, Mama, guess that saying about second babies coming faster than first babies isn’t always true!).  I weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs and 3 ozs, and am very healthy, by all accounts!  I rated a 9.5 on the Apgar scale, just a tiny bit behind my brother Jack’s perfect score.

September 2015 (2 Years 4 Months)

Here’s the last known picture of me as an only child!  This was taken when I woke up around 7:30 a.m. the morning of September 25 (Mommy and Daddy had left for the hospital an hour or so earlier).  The look on my face clearly shows that I have no idea how much my world is about to change.

I have had SOME sort of an inkling that something’s up, and I’ve been extra needy this past month, demanding to be carried everywhere (“uppie!”).  Other than that I’ve been a happy little guy, content to kick a ball around the living room for hours at a time.  I have a made-up word that I use to describe any big or impressive kick … I call it a “blato.”

On the emotional front, I’m now able to mimic happy and sad faces when Mommy asks me what they look like, and I’ve been reading “Don’t Cry, Big Bird,” at night, so I’m getting fairly astute at pointing out what it looks like when someone is sad or crying.  When I want to make Mommy happy I’ll come over to her and pat her back, saying “you’re my best friend.”

Current likes: my Avengers pajamas, dumping all of my toys into one big pile (I call this “making a family”)

Current dislikes: walking anywhere when I could be carried, picking up my toys

No idea what's about to hit him ...

No idea what’s about to hit him …