At just over two years old we have officially entered the land of “why?” I ask this question after almost every sentence I hear, and my curiosity never seems satisfied by the response I get. My other favorite phrase is “did you see that, Mama/Dada?” I ask this constantly, especially if I’m jumping off of something or performing some other antics that I’d like to have witnessed.
I’m getting into imaginative play, and I especially like to pretend with food. My favorite place in the world to go is Adams Fairacre Farms, so if you ask me where I’m going in my plastic car, I’ll always tell you “to Adams!” If my cousin Max will give me a lift in his green Jeep, then that’s all the better! Sometimes I’ll grab Mommy’s diaper bag and announce that I’m running over to the grocery store, too. And don’t get me started on Mommy’s credit cards. I love playing with those so that I can pretend to “pay money” for my imaginary groceries.
I’ve definitely noticed that Mommy is pregnant. If you ask me what’s in her belly I’ll usually tell you “stretch marks!” but then I’ll also tell you there’s a baby girl in there. The best part about my Mommy being pregnant is definitely the fact that her coworker gave her a pink glow worm for the baby (I’ve stolen it for myself). I love my “lerms” to death, and I soothe myself to sleep at night by playing both of them simultaneously.
Current likes: Adams and the “Glow Lerms”
Current dislikes: When Mommy won’t empty her wallet so that I can have the blue credit card I like
- Dump truck coming through!
- I need my lerms!
- Only 14 years until I’m legal to drive …