I turned 23 months old on April 22, 2015 … I can almost see two years old from here!
I am really loving the warmer weather, and I can be heard asking “outside?” almost constantly. My favorite outdoor activities include going to the playground and sliding down the big slide, blowing bubbles, and collecting rocks (especially “stripey ones”).
As for indoor pastimes, I love playing with the bucket of animals Mimi got me for Easter. I like to line them up, put the “mommies” and “daddies” together, and make them kiss each other as friends. I also love playing with stickers, by which I mean sticking them everywhere … my nose, the stove, the carpet, you name it!
I’m still very communicative, speaking in 4-6 word sentences most of the time now. I understand how to communicate my emotions, such as “sad,” “scary,” and “funny,” and I’ll share my feelings when asked. I also recently discovered how to whisper, and I really like to tell Mommy and Daddy “secrets.”
Current likes: chatting!
Current dislikes: not being answered when I am chatting (I just repeat my earlier sentiment more loudly until I get satisfaction).
- Reading with Papa!
- Cute in spite of the goose egg on my forehead!
More pictures of Jack please and maybe one or two of pregnant mommy!