I turned twenty two months old on March 22, 2015. Thanks to a recent visit to the doctor – courtesy of yet another ear infection – Mommy and Daddy know that I weigh about 27.1 pounds. Since the weather still isn’t nice enough here for me to play outdoors with any regularity, I’ve been entertaining myself with indoor sports. This usually includes racing around the house and demanding to be tickled (I don’t seem to understand yet that tickling is torture, so as soon as the tickler stops attacking me I turn around and say “more!”). I’ve also figured out how to “jump,” although I put in quite a bit of effort and never manage to get more than about an inch off the floor. Usually my jumping ends with me in a pile on the floor laughing maniacally and proclaiming “Jack fall down!”
My collection of three word sentences has dramatically expanded over the past month, and I have a lot more verbs that I use correctly in conversation. I offer comments like, “I see it,” Dada build it,” and “I need more.” My favorite phrase has got to be “Happy Birthday” at the moment, and I enjoy wishing people Happy Birthday (and singing the birthday song) regardless of whether they’re actually celebrating anything.
Perhaps the cutest thing I’ve been doing recently is asking to snuggle. I’ve never been an especially cuddly baby or toddler, so Mommy and Daddy are liking this current phase. Most mornings my first action when Mommy wakes me up to get ready for school is to grab my blankie and ask “Dada snuggle?” This cuteness is coinciding with a rather clingy phase, however, and I’m capable of epic meltdowns at daycare drop-off or anytime I believe I’m being left.
Here are a few photos of me from our recent trip to Washington, D.C. The weather is warmer there, so I got to do some fun outdoor activities like playing at the park and visiting the National Zoo. I was quite taken by all the animals, and I’ve been telling anyone who will listen all about the lion, tiger, “bob kit-cat,” alligator, zebra, elephant, panda, and monkey I saw.
Current likes: Everybody being together all the time
Current dislikes: Solitude, personal space
- Choo choo train!
- Smiling because I’m about to unroll an entire tube of toilet paper!
- I see alligator!
I love these posts! Please let Jack know that his Annie Frannie and Uncle Dave love him and want to raspberry his belly at Thanksgiving.