If you ask my parents to describe me as a 21-month-old, they will probably say “busy!” I’m into everything these days, to the point where it’s become hard to capture any pictures of me. If there are pictures, they’re usually a blur, because I’m a man on the move. I’ve recently figured out how to climb/scramble up onto the furniture independently, which means I’ve discovered new and exciting ways to injure myself. (That’s the other reason why pictures of me are few and far between … as a clumsy and rambunctious toddler, it’s rare that I make it home from daycare without a new stain, scratch, bump, or bruise!)
In my calmer moments, I really enjoy identifying letters of the alphabet. Whether it’s my foam bath toys, the mat of my playroom, or a menu at a restaurant, I love picking out the letters I know and shouting them out. My favorites include B, E, I, J, M, O, R, S, T, and Y, but I can pick out almost the entire alphabet correctly the majority of the time I’m asked. My vocabulary has also exploded to easily over 100 words, to the point where Mommy and Daddy don’t keep track of my new words anymore, since I’m adding them at such a fast pace. I’m also starting to communicate in three word sentences, such as “more juice, please,” “I see it,” and “thank you, Dada!” I’m pretty good with the pleases, thank yous, and excuse mes, especially if I think my politeness may earn me an extra animal cracker or two.
I’m also starting to engage in imaginative play, and I like to spend time in my kitchen, cooking plastic fish soup. This mostly entails a lot of vigorous stirring and tasting. When I am satisfied with the quality of my dish, I cover the whole thing with a potholder, present it to Mommy and Daddy for them to eat, and then add a bunch of wooden alphabet blocks to the leftovers, and hide everything in the pantry or microwave of my kitchen.
My other favorite pastime is demanding to see people’s belly buttons (or “bah-bunts”), poking them, and then bursting into fits of maniacal laughter. It’s a very sophisticated game that I’ve developed.
Current likes: Washing hands! While this seems like every germ-fearing parent’s dream come true, it’s actually tricky, because I like to wash my hands SO much that the skin on them has become dry and is starting to crack. Mommy and Daddy have to limit my time spent at the sink, and to apply lotion liberally!
Current dislikes: Boundaries and consequences. Yes, I’m at that early-onset two year old phase, where I love nothing more than to push the boundaries and see if I can escape discipline. If you tell me not to throw my block, I’m totally going to throw my block, Mommy. And I’ll look right at you as I’m doing it.
- My blanky and belly button … two of my favorite things!
- Blue fishy … totally my preferred fishy
- The secret is in the stirring