Monthly Archives: January 2015

20 Months

It’s been a busy month – I’ve been learning and growing a lot, and right after I turned twenty months old on January 22, 2015 my daycare decided to move me up to the toddler room, so I’m officially one of the big kids now!

I’ve continued to add to my vocabulary, and some of my new words include: wind, water, moon, sit, knee, peacock, hair, garbage, walk, home (oohm), noise, bag, window, and spoon.  I’ve also become proficient at combining my words to create two word phrases, such as “big truck,” “more juice,” and “no noise.”

A relatively new trick, I’ve discovered shapes, and can correctly identify at least four of them consistently: circle, star, diamond, and triangle (or “nanginoo,” as I call it).  I enjoy putting my shapes in the shape sorter, and am getting much better at matching the shapes to the correct holes.

I have also discovered a deep and abiding love for the Elmo song.  If I so much as glimpse an iPhone I begin begging the owner for “La La La.”  When it plays I squeal and dance around, and I sing along with the lyrics.  I can probably listen to it 15 times in a row without getting bored … the song is that great.  I like to sing “Twinkle, Twinkle” as well, and I know pretty much all of the words.  Sometimes I fall asleep in my crib at night by singing it to myself.

One of my new favorite places to hang out and play is in my tent (pictured below), which my Aunt De and Uncle Charlie got for me.  I like to bring a selection of my toys into my little lair and then call out for a friend or two to join me for a play session.  Usually, I bring all of my toy pots and pans with me … it’s a great place to cook!  I also love to ask for a boost so that I can peer out of the window at the very top of the tent, and say hello to those suckers stuck outside.

Current likes: helping (throwing away garbage, sweeping, whatever Mommy and Daddy are doing)!

Current dislikes: still not a big fan of diaper changes, if we’re being honest.

Pssst, who's there?

Pssst, who’s there?