I turned nineteen months old during Hanukkah this year, and right before Christmas/New Years. I didn’t get to enjoy my Hanukkah presents very much, though, because I had strep throat and had to go to the hospital for an IV to prevent dehydration. In spite of my sickness, I rallied in enough time to fly down to D.C. to spend Christmas with Mommy’s family and then down to Florida to visit Papa and Yaya. The pictures below are me in Florida, after I began feeling better.
I have so many new words now that it’s hard for Mommy and Daddy to keep up with counting them all, but they think I probably have close to 75. Some of my newest additions are: tunnel, noodle, Cheerios (ee-oohs), hot, cold, bear, chip, blanket (bink), pee-pee, potty, hat, cookie, birdie, sun, and toy. And of course Mommy’s FAVORITE is that now when someone says “I love you” to me I’ll say it back (Laahhh-dooooo).
As you may have noticed from my recent vocabulary additions, I’m starting to show a little bit of interest in the potty, and I ask about pee-pee a lot. I’m not potty training yet, but I’m taking the first step in that direction!
In other news, I can count to 10 all by myself, but having some assistance helps because sometimes I get excited and skip from four to eight. I also really like to sing, and can be heard singing the “clean up” song to myself when I’m picking up my toys at night before bed. I’ve figured out how to open and close doors, too, so now there’s no stopping me (except with a baby gate … those things are no joke)!
Current likes: ketchup (I’ll eat almost anything as long as it’s covered in ketchup)
Current dislikes: strep throat and hospitals
- Cheese!
- I love the pool