I’m officially a year and a half old! At my eighteen month doctor’s appointment I weighed in at 25 lbs 12 ounces, was 32.75 inches tall, and had a head circumference of 19.5 inches. This puts me in the 60th percentile for height, 70th for weight, and 98th for head size.
I’ve been very chatty this past month, and I now have a vocabulary of more than 40 words (new ones include: yeah, no, star, up, down, eat, outside, juice, and hat). On October 27, 2014 Mommy asked me a question and I answered “yeah.” She thought it was a fluke, but I repeated it several times after that, and just like that, we had a breakthrough in our communication. I’ve always been willful, but now that I’ve figured out how to say “yes” and “no” to things I’ve been making my opinions known even more! I’ve also figured out how to call people (and inanimate objects) when I want them, so I’ll sing out things like, “oh, Dada!” “oh, car!” and “oh, juice!” when I want them. I can also identify most colors by pointing to them when asked (I get blue, green, purple, and yellow right almost all of the time. I’m pretty good at red and orange, but sometimes they stump me).
In perhaps the cutest development ever, Mommy has trained me to run squealing across the room into her arms when she asks “can Mama have a … huggie????” 80% of the time this ends delightfully, with her catching and cuddling me, but because I am not exactly a proficient runner yet, the other 20% of the time I wind up tripping myself en route to Mommy and sprawling face first on the floor.
And speaking of being accident prone … I took a big spill on November 21, 2014 (the day before my eighteen month birthday) when I figured out how to climb out of my crib. I landed on my head and wound up with a big goose egg on my forehead above my left eye. I cried pretty hard, but fortunately I was uninjured; Mommy and Daddy are hoping I’ve learned a lesson and won’t attempt this again!
Here are some photos of me taken by Mary Nichols on November 30, 2014 – about a week after my 18 month birthday. Thank goodness that forehead bruise was almost gone by the time I had my picture taken! I can also be seen showing off the results of my first haircut, which I had on November 26, shortly before these pictures
Current likes: stacking things
Current dislikes: gravity, being redirected or told “no”
- Ooh, shiny …
- Fuzzy stool? Yes, please!
- Bye bye, Mama!
- Hooray!
- If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!
- Being silly
- Willing to share my rattan ball with Mama
- These are my kissable lips
- Blue!
- This hat was much bigger on me last year!