On October 22, 2014 I turned seventeen months old. My biggest developmental leap since last month is obviously the fact that I can walk now, but I’ve also acquired a lot of other skills. For example, I now have a vocabulary of more than 30 words (new ones include: more, hello, apple, block, eye, and Elmo). I can also tell you what a cow, sheep, dog, cat, horse, and duck say. I’ve been practicing feeding myself with a spoon, and all the ladies at my daycare are pretty impressed with my yogurt self-feeding abilities.
Speaking of feeding … daycare held a Trunk-or-Treat party on Saturday, October 25, 2014, and I went dressed as Mommy and Daddy’s chief minion! My hat was Mommy’s first crochet project, and it came out pretty well. It was an adult sized pattern, though, so it came out a little big, even for my huge head! I didn’t get to eat any candy this year, but I was pretty happy just to walk up and down the driveway and see all the other kids dressed up in their costumes. Happy Halloween, everybody!
Current likes: balls, Halloween
Current dislikes: tripping myself (guess I need more practice at walking)
- I love Halloween!
- This happy without even getting candy
- Happy little minion
- Trick or Treat!